The Treasure-Hunt Friends Discover Autistic Trends (The Treasure-Hunt Fish Picture-Book, #4)
by Brenda Darnley Martin
Seventeen-year-old football hero Austin, trying to understand the inexplicable depression that has drained his interest in life, thinks that he has found relief in a girl who seems very special.
Ten-year-old Dreenie feels both intrigued and frightened when she thinks about the girl nicknamed Bluish, whose leukemia is making her pale and causing her to use a wheelchair.
Billy ne peut pas ralentir!
by Stephanie Margolese and Elaheh Bos
Wouldn't it Be a Shame if We were all the Same?
by Hailey Platter and Stephen Platter
Nicole's Fishing Trip with Grandpa D. (Nicole's Fishing Trip with Grandpa D., #1)
by Jeri Normandin