Desmond and His Mighty Adventures - Book 1 (The Mighty Adventures, #1)
by R C Wittig
The reader is invited to join Rosie Rabbit in counting various shapes inside and outside of her house.
Marvel Spider-Man: Me Reader 8-Book Library and Electronic Reader Sound Book Set
Join Poetino Piccolino as he rescues his amici (friends) in Rome. Meet the feroce leone (ferocious lion). Run and play in the Coliseum and Forum ; enjoy the Fontana di Trevi (Fountain of Trevi), gelato (ice cream) and biscotti (cookies). Discover how Poetino Piccolino saves the day and becomes the best topolino (little mouse) ever!
Toy Box Heroes (Disney Infinity) (Step Into Reading: A Step 3 Book (PB)) (Infinity (Disney))
by Christy Webster
Disney Infinity is an action-packed video game where players can create their own worlds and play with a mix of characters as wide-ranging as Jack Sparrow from Disney Pirates of the Caribbean to Mike from Disney/Pixar Monsters, Inc., to Anna from Disney Frozen. The world of Disney Infinity is filled with infinite possibilities—and endless fun! Kids will love this Step 3 beginning reader about Jack Sparrow, Rapunzel, and more characters from Disney Infinity!