Quiero Ser Cartero (I Want to Be a Postman) (Que Quiero Ser? (What Do I Want To Be?))
by Brianna Battista
In light, bouncy verse, ten joyous angels turn a child's room into a playground. Count them all--if they'll hold still long enough!--while they munch tasty treats, start pillow fights, and have the best playtime ever. It's as easy as 1-2-3!
On a school trip to the woods, Kitty goes missing while searching for butterflies.
This little duckling needs to be quick-quack-quick!Trace the mucky duckling's footprints as he leaps, wiggles, runs, hops and SPLASHES into the river, where his mum, brothers and sisters are waiting – ready to go! With its fresh, light artwork and tactile finish, babies will be be instantly responsive to this beautiful board book.
Imagine your whole day lived backward, from beginning to end. When you got up, you’d put on your jacket, then your shirt and pants, and over those your underwear, because after all, backward is backward, and on a backward day backward is the way everything has to be. You’d walk downstairs backward and sit on your chair backward with your back to the table, and when your parents greeted you in the morning you’d say, of course, “Good night.” But how long can a backward day go on? Just long enough...
In this inventive, interactive picture book created by Barney Saltzberg, the bespectacled author of "Beautiful Oops!", who charms young readers and their parents with a perfect light touch and joyful spirit, kids get to do just what Arlo does to solve his problem. They read an eye chart, look through a fold-out phoropter (that big machine optometrists use), and try on different pairs of glasses - movie star glasses! superhero glasses! mad scientist glasses! And they interact with Arlo as he redi...
Good days start with gratitude 2020
by Daily Gratitude Publishing
Monkey Bandit Takes a Bath (Monkey Bandit Funny Children's Books for Babies and Toddlers Ages 0 - 4)
by Maria Ellis
Giocare a casa mia ai tempi della pandemia. Coronavirus, Quarantena, #iorestoacasa, emergenza, #andràtuttobene.
by Daniele Antonini
Nickelodeon Paw Patrol: My Big Learning Box Sound Book Set
by Kathy Broderick