Artistic sixteen-year-old Vanessa has never tried to fit in, counting the days until she reaches adulthood and all it brings, but when her first job introduces her to James, who leads her into new, sometimes risky situations, she wonders if she is ready to be grown up.
Cartwheel into this sparkling new series about the exciting, energetic and inspirational world of gymnastics! Tara has always loved gymnastics, and joining Silverdale Gymnastics Club has been a dream come true. But with the summer holidays at an end, and Tara starting secondary school, trying to juggle her schoolwork, her friendships and her gymnastics training is proving tricky. When Tara says she can't go to her best friend's birthday sleepover because of her training, her best friend is badly...
LittleCat, LittleCat, please come home with me! (Littlecat, #1)
by Kathleen Walsh Free
In 1931, a boy and his father watch as the world's tallest building, the Empire State Building, is constructed, step-by-step, near their Manhattan home.
L'ultime Noel Livre De Coloriage Pour Less Enfants
by Victor Hunt
While living with her newly remarried father in a Washington, D.C. suburb, fifteen-year-old Lorrie spends the summer working for and becoming close to an elderly, famous photographer.
Having grown up knowing nothing about her artist mother's estranged family, thirteen-year-old Kiara spends the summer getting acquainted with her cousins and trying to understand her complex and cranky grandmother.
When Max, an artist, departs for a long journey, the boy who is his friend and neighbor visits his apartment and discovers an exhibition of pictures created just for him.
Create-a-Comic (Comic Book Creator) (Comic Book Maker)
by Creative Kid
COFFEE gives me construction managers power
by Miracle Print House
From the Mixed-Up Files of Mrs. Basil E. Frankweiler
by E.L. Konigsburg and Broekel