Ethical Debates: Advertising (Ethical Debates (Rosen)) (Ethical Debates)
by Jen Green
Is advertising simply a way of presenting information to help consumers make choices in our increasingly competitive world? Or is advertising sophisticated persuasion that tricks, misleads and influences the buyer? Look in detail at the industry, the effects of advertising and its influence on our daily lives. The author uses real-life case studies to illustrate the subject; fact panels, quotes and statistics give an informed insight into the discussion and encourage lively debate.The Ethical De...
Teacher Because Badass Is Not an Official Job Title
by Blank Publishers
Tweet It!: Twitter Projects for the Real World (Cool Social Media)
by Carolyn Bernhardt
Journalist (Careers With Character) (Careers with Character (Mason Crest))
by Sherry Bonnice
Find out what it takes to be a journalist with character... Journalists have many career areas from which to choose. Some of the most common include: •News reporter; •Editor; •Investigative reporter; •Magazine writer; •Freelance writer; and •Foreign correspondent. Most employers in this field require experience as well as education, and equally important is character. Without the core qualities of a good character, journalists' work does not benefit those it serves. That's why journalists need:...
The Business of Being a Gaming Influencer (Influencers and Economics)
by Anita Nahta Amin
How ?real? is reality TV? Why do magazine models look so great? How much money do musicians make from CD sales? Can radio DJs play anything they want? These and lots of other questions are answered in Media Madness --- the insider's guide to TV, music videos, radio, magazines, comic books, newspapers, video games and the Internet. Host Max McLoon gives pointers on how to analyze media and takes readers behind the scenes to reveal media workplaces in action. With vivid cartoon-like illustrations...
Asking Questions about Political Campaigns (21st Century Skills Library: Asking Questions about Media)
by Nancy E Weiss
Campaign ads are inescapable, especially in election years. Asking Questions about Political Campaigns shows what goes into those ads, how successful campaigns get their messages across, and how political campaigns and the media influence each other. Case studies prompt inquiry, further thinking, and close examination of specific issues. Additional text features and search tools, including a glossary and an index, help students locate information and learn new words.
12 Journalists and Media Personalities with Disabilities (No Barriers)
by Marne Ventura
The news media is a 24-hour presence, endlessly pumping images and information through the air, beaming it down from space, transmitting it through cables and phone lines across the Internet. Out of this torrent of information, all delivered in about the same tone of importance, it is sometimes difficult to sift through and determine what really is significant. From newspapers and magazines to radios, televisions, and the Internet, today's consumers often rely on the news media for unbiased, rel...