Monster Knows Table Manners (Monster Knows Manners)
by Connie Colwell Miller
La Consideracion (Values to Live by) (Valores Para la Vida)
by Helen Endres and Beverly Fiday
Cooperation (Values to Live by) (Everyday Character Education)
by Janet Riehecky and Janet Reihecky
Presenting Yourself (Earning $50,000 - $100,000 with a High School Diploma or Les) (Careers With Earning Potential)
by Christie Marlowe
Embarrassing and awkward situations happen to everyone. But to some people, everyday situations can feel awkward and embarrassing. From going to a new place for the first time and joining a new sports team or club to tripping in the cafeteria and walking around with your jeans unzipped, this book holds the tools and coping mechanisms to deal with and move on from these situations.
¡Sé Las Reglas! (I Know the Rules!) Set (¡Sé Las Reglas! (I Know the Rules!))
Do Your Part with Grover (Sesame Street (R) Character Guides)
by Katherine Lewis
Be Cool Be Nice (R) (BCBN) is not just a book . . . it is mandatory reading for boys and girls, men and women, and anyone with a smartphone. Be Cool Be Nice launched with Willow Smith and Kendall Jenner on the covers of Garage magazine in an unprecedented Snapchat collaboration. Be Cool Be Nice beautifully advocates kindness, good manners and civility and encourages us all to interact and use social media in a positive way so we 'check it before we wreck it.' "I aim to treat others as I wan...
The Smart Kid's Guide to Feeling Sad or Angry (Smart Kid's Guide to Everyday Life)
by M J Cosson
Vida social: guía de supervivencia (Rebel Girls Social Situation Survival Guide) (Growing Up Powerful )
A medida que creces, vas viviendo momentos emocionantes: hacer amigos, descubrir lo que te gusta y aprender cosas nuevas. Aunque a veces, estos emocionantes momentos traen consigo grandes desafíos.Hay situaciones sociales pueden parecernos un laberinto sin salida. ¿Cómo puedes iniciar una conversación con alguien que acabas de conocer en la escuela o en un campamento? ¿Cómo debes reaccionar cuando ves que un compañero está sufriendo acoso escolar? ¿Cómo puedes ayudar a un amigo que está pasando...