In this collection of brief lives (and deaths) of nearly two hundred of the world's greatest thinkers, noted philosopher Simon Critchley creates a register of mortality that is tragic, amusing, absurd, and exemplary. From the self-mocking haikus of Zen masters on their deathbeds to the last words of Christian saints and modern-day sages, this irresistible book contains much to inspire both amusement and reflection. Informed by Critchley's acute insight, scholarly intelligence, and spright...
* “A hundred years from now, when people want to know what we told our children about 9/11, Kalman's book should be among the first answers.”—Booklist, starred review * “Intelligently conveys those unfathomable events in a way that a picture book audience can comprehend. . . . With this inspiring book, Kalman sensitively handles a difficult subject in an age-appropriate manner.”—Publishers Weekly, starred review * “Fireboat does many things. It sets forth an adventure, helps commemorate an...
Friendship 911 Collection (Youthlife Collection)
by Josh McDowell and Ed Stewart
Fourteen-year-old Ann Cassidy has a secret, but she can't keep it any longer. The nightmares, the flashbacks, the false guilt-she has to tell someone. When Ann finally reveals the horror of her childhood sexual abuse, she feels some relief-but she has a new flood of emotions to deal with and she's scared. Has anyone like Ann unburdened the dark memories of past sexual abuse with you? Do you know what to say or do? What is need most right now? Perhaps more than any time in life he or she needs...
Frankie's World Is Falling (Help Me Understand, #13)
by Sophia Day and Megan Johnson
Straight Talk About Death and Dying (Straight Talk About)
by Robert DiGuillio and Rachel Kranz
Discusses how Americans feel about death, teenage encounters with death, how to cope with dying and with death, and the effects of death on survivors' relationships, and suggests ways to find help in bereavement.
El nuevo libro ilustrado en español de la novelista próspera (How the Garcia Girls Lost Their Accents) y autora de niños (The Tia Lola Stories) Julia Alvarez es un poema bellamente elaborado para niños que aborda delicadamente el lado emocional de la muerte. El libro pregunta, “Cuando alguien muere, ¿dónde va a parar? / ¿Será con el viento cuando le da con soplar? … ¿Me hacen guiños—como estrellas cuando les pido un favor—parpadeando ‘Eres perfecta, no hay que ser algo mejor? …” Ilustrado p...