Fighting Forces of World War II in the Air (Fighting Forces of World War II)
by John C. Miles
Learn about how a lever works! Beginner readers and budding young scientists will love learning about using simple machines in everyday situations. Along the way, readers will be supported by expertly levelled text, a strong text-photo match and appropriate text load. Readers will be excited to dig in and learn all about simple machines and basic physics concepts.
Do you know Transformers from the Terminator? Blending science fiction with science fact, this is the ultimate guide to every kind of robot. Covering all types of makes and models - from celluloid classics to tin toys and the latest Japanese cyborg, this is a must for all those "boys" who are mad about the 'bot!
Camiones de Volteo (Maquinas De Construccion / Construction Machines)
by Charles Lennie
Ver Para Creer /Seeing is Believing (Ver Para Creer (Seeing Is Believing))
by Grace Hansen
Tractors (Early-Reader Science Transportation) (Transportation)
by Peter Brady
In brief text, describes the many ways that farmers use tractors in the growing of crops.
Each book in this series focuses on a type of simple mechanism and examines how it is used to make different toys work. This book examines pulleys and uses simple language and labeled photographs to explain the scientific principles behind their use.
This first volume of The LEGO Power Functions Idea Book, Machines and Mechanisms, showcases small projects to build with LEGO Technic gears, motors, gadgets, and other moving elements. You’ll find hundreds of clever, buildable mechanisms, each one demonstrating a key building technique or mechanical principle. You’ll learn to build sliding doors, grasping claws, rack-and-pinion mechanisms, and ball-shooting devices of every sort! Each model includes a list of required parts and colorful photog...
Tractor (DK Machines at Work (Paperback)) (DK Machines at Work (Hardcover))
by Caroline Bingham
My Community (My Community: Jobs) (My Community)
by Julie Murray
Earthmovers on the Move (Lightning Bolt Books: Vroom)
by Lee Sullivan
Construction Vehicles Coloring Book
by Monica Willow and Ciwoni Coloring
Space Machines (Curious Questions and Answers About...)
by Anne Rooney