Passion of Jesus Christ (Discover the Bible) (Bible Graphic Novels)
by Toni Matas
Fights, Flights and the Chosen Ones (Z Graphic Novels / Manga Bible)
by Young Shin Lee
One stone takes down the giant…and now the fighting really begins! You would think King Saul should thank David for removing Israel’s biggest enemy. Instead, Saul puts this popular young warrior on the run. But even after David takes the throne, his own kids plunge the country into civil war. Fights, Flights, and the Chosen Ones carries readers through the heroic and tragic battles of Israel’s civil wars, as God exalts and topples leaders in the books of 1 and 2 Samuel.
Good News! (Digging Into God Activity Books, #1)
by Heather Coppinger
Mary, Seat of Wisdom (Catholic Kids4kids Litany of Loreto)
by J T Frodin
Bible in Time (Bible in Time: Bible Stories, #1) (Bible in Time, #1)
by Spencer H Joseph, Jr
Telling God's Story Year 3 Bundle (Telling God's Story, #12)
by Earnest Graham and Rachel Marie Stone
The third in a series designed to take students from elementary through high school, Telling God’s Story, Year Three shows children the surprising way of life that Jesus brought, as seen in his parables, miracles, and teaching. The Instructor Text and Teaching Guide provides content-filled background information for the teacher, and a scripted explanation of the passage designed especially for children to grasp with ease. The accompanying Activity Book provides historically accurate coloring pa...
Goliath might get all the press, but there are many other fearsome giants and towering men throughout the Old Testament and thrilling stories behind each one. In Big Bad Bible Giants, readers 8 and up encounter each powerful and massive man through large black-and-white illustrations and kid-friendly language that explores the background of each hulking giant and why they’re important, as well as interesting facts like what their massive weapons looked like and how many sheep it may have taken t...
Inner Sunshine Warms Not Only the Heart of the Owner, But All Who Come in Contact with It
by Journals For All
The Wonderful Story of Joseph the "patriarch".
by Antonio Jaime Martinez Beltran