The Time to Be Happy Is Now. the Place to Be Happy Is Here, the Way to Be Happy Is to Make Others So.
by Journals For All
If Any Man Sins, We Have an Advocate with the Father, Jesus Christ the Righteous
by Journals For All
An Absent Friend Gives Us Friendly Company When We Are Well Assured of His Happiness
by Journals For All
Daily Devotions for Die-Hard Kids Mississippi State Bulldogs
by Ed McMinn
Dios, Necesito Hablarte de Hacer Trampa (Dios, Necesito Hablarte de)
by Dan Carr
As I Grow Older, I Pay Less Attention to What Men Say. I Just Watch What They Do
by Journals For All
Books, Like Friends, Should Be Few, and Well Chosen
by Journals For All
Have Faith With God All Things Are Possible
by Chalex Monjas Prayer Journals
Say and Pray Devotions with Your Little Ones Today! Encourage even the littlest hearts to grow in faith through these fun devotions that teach the importance of gratitude. Children will enjoy pointing to and naming labeled objects on each page while learning more about God's love and how He provides for us. Scripture and short prayers will also hide God's Word in young hearts.
101 Bible Stories from Creation to Revelation, Vol. 1
by Zondervan
NIV Adventure Bible Book of Devotions: Polar Exploration Edition (Adventure Bible)
by Zondervan
The ship that would never be sunk, a ship of dreams - becomes a ship of nightmares as it is swallowed beneath the freezing Atlantic Ocean. Hit by a massive iceberg it was as much the arrogance of the ship's owners and operators that caused the tragedy of the Titanic on 14th April 1912. 1,517 people perished that night but there was at least one man who was focussed on saving souls amidst the horror. As the icy waters brought the life of John Harper to a close he still had the energy to call one...