Festivals and Celebrations Key Stage 2 (PELICAN BIG BOOKS)
by Joanne Ely and Wendy Body
*Specifically written and designed to math the NLS term-by-term requirements. *Highly visible text for shared reading. *Memorable texts by top authors with stunning illustrations. *National Curriculum and QCA topic links in many books. *Teacher's Notes in every book provide ideas for class and group work.
Storytime Readers:Making Puppets Red Book Four (Reading 2000) (Reading 2000 Storytime S.)
by Helen H. McLullich, Catherine Allan, and etc.
"Reading 2000 Storytime" is a reading-based language programme for the Primary years, designed to meet the needs of the English Language 5-14 Guidelines, the Northern Ireland English curriculum and the English National curriculum. The programme is based on stories which have been especially commissioned from established and well-loved authors. The stories are all strong in storyline and while some are about distinctive characters in real-life settings, others concern the lives of imaginary peopl...
Bug Club Blue (KS1) Brave Little Beasts 6-pack (BUG CLUB)
by Wendy Meddour
The Griffin and Bertie Dragon think they don't fit in. They just need someone to believe in them, and show them that they don't need to fit in to have fun!
Clinker Castle Pink Level Fiction: Royal Favourites Single (STAR ADVENTURES)
by Lisa Thompson
This is a series set in the realm of kings and queens, knights and dragons.It contains expertly levelled to Book Bands ensuring that every independent reading session is successful in helping to turn children into confident and enthusiastic readers. It includes character-linked fiction and thematically-linked non-fiction books to motivate children in their early reading. Every "Clinker Castle" book contains notes written specially for parents or LSAs, to help them provide meaningful support and...
Bug Club Yellow C Pippa's Pets: Runaway Pony 6-pack (BUG CLUB)
by Dee White
This title is part of Pearson's Bug Club - the first whole-school reading programme that joins books and an online reading world to teach today's children to read. In this Yellow C Pippa's Pets - Runaway Pony book: Pippa's pony runs away. What will Pippa do?
Bug Club Green C Dixie's Pocket Zoo: Robber run-around 6-pack (BUG CLUB)
by Pip Jones
This title is part of Bug Club, the first whole-school reading programme that joins books with an online reading world to teach today's children to read. In this Green C level Dixie's Pocket Zoo: Robber Run-around book.Dixie and her mum are at the bank when a robber runs in. He steals some money and makes his get-away. Can Dixie's magic animals catch him and return the money to the bank?
This book: covers the essential content in the new specifications in a rigorous and engaging way, using detailed narrative, sources, timelines, key words, helpful activities and extension material helps develop conceptual understanding of areas such as evidence, interpretations, causation and change, through targeted activities provides assessment support for A level with sample answers, sources, practice questions and guidance to help you tackle the new-style exam questions. It...
Clinker Castle Green Level Fiction: The Frog Princess Single (STAR ADVENTURES)
by Lisa Thompson
This is a series set in the realm of kings and queens, knights and dragons.It contains expertly levelled to Book Bands ensuring that every independent reading session is successful in helping to turn children into confident and enthusiastic readers. It includes character-linked fiction and thematically-linked non-fiction books to motivate children in their early reading. Every "Clinker Castle" book contains notes written specially for parents or LSAs, to help them provide meaningful support and...
Novel Ideas Grandpa Chatterji Easy Order Pack (NOVEL IDEAS)
Offering comprehensive teacher support for some of the best-selling children's novels, "Novel Ideas" allows children to read in a supportive context and ensures that higher order reading skills are enhanced. The programme should be suitable for shared reading, guided reading and group work, both inside and outside of the Literacy Hour. Each novel closely matches the range of texts suggested by the National Literacy Framework at Key Stage 2, and is accompanied by a teacher's resource book contain...
New Reading 360 (New reading 360: language skills) (NEW READING 360)
Longman Book Project Non Fiction 1 Babies Topic Teaching Pack (Longman Book Project)
by Susan Henry, Roberta Neate, Sue Palmer, Ditto, Ann Witherington, and C Clark
Red Around You Extra Large Format Non Fiction 2 (Longman Book Project)
by Roberta Neate and Sue Palmer
Series Editor: Sue Palmer Non-fiction Editor: Bobbie NeateLongman Book Project non-fiction for ages 4-11:Motivates a wide range of reading abilities with differentiated text in every book to support struggling readers and extend confident readers Encourages successful learning of information retrieval skills through clear and consistent page layouts and supportive photography Develops non-fiction reading and writing skills through National Curriculum and QCA linked cross-curricular subjects Prov...
A Welsh Childhood (Mermaid Books) (Cascades S.)
by Alice Thomas Ellis
Band 3 Cluster Pack D:Dolls House Paper (Longman Book Project)
by Adele Geras, Sue Palmer, and Wendy Body
General Editor: Sue Palmer Fiction Editor and Language Consultant: Wendy Body "The Longman Book Project" for ages 4-11: *Inspires children with an unparalleled variety of fiction by significant children's authors and illustrators such as Anne Fine, Beverley Naidoo, Michael Rosen, Jacqueline Wilson and Geraldine McCaughrean. *Offers at-a-glance NLS teaching support in a literacy grid at the back of every book highlighting text, sentence and word level work for easy access by teachers, teaching...
I Like Green Read-On Beginner (Longman Book Project)
by Wendy Body, Sue Palmer, and Roberta Neate
General Editor: Sue Palmer Fiction Editor and Language Consultant: Wendy BodyThe Longman Book Project for ages 4-11: Inspires children with an unparalleled variety of fiction by significant children's authors and illustrators such as Anne Fine, Beverley Naidoo, Michael Rosen, Jacqueline Wilson and Geraldine McCaughrean. Offers at-a-glance NLS teaching support in a literacy grid at the back of every book highlighting text, sentence and word level work for easy access by teachers, teaching assista...
Tree Thieves Level 1 (World Wildlife Fund for Nature Readers)
by B Tyo and Eleanor Watts
"Reading for the Environment" is a series of readers on environmental themes. It is graded in three levels following carefully devised vocabulary and structure guidelines. Level 1 uses a vocabulary of up to 600 words; the language structures used are very simple and the sentences short. Level 2 uses a vocabulary of up to 900 words; though still firmly controlled, language structures are more varied than in Level 1. Level 3 uses a vocabulary of up to 1200 words; language structure is less tightly...
Reading Planet Galaxy Red A Complete Pack
The Galaxy series is a range of captivating, highly decodable fiction and non-fiction books, that will expand children's vocabulary and language skills through different genres and text types including poetry, play scripts, instruction books and information guides. The Galaxy Red A Complete Pack provides 1 copy of each Galaxy title available for Red A band, and is ideal for reception aged children:- A Gift for Grandpa - Red A: Galaxy- Spot the Snacks! - Red A: Galaxy- Anansi and the Web Trick -...
Four Corners: A Guide to Consellations (FOUR CORNERS)
by Gib Goodfellow and Liz Stenson
A Guide to Constellations Four Corners *The widest cross-curricular coverage including science, history, geography and mathematics themes all clearly linked to the National Curriculum Programmes for Study and the 5-14 Guidelines for Scotland.*Visually inspire all readers with unparalleled Dorling Kindersley photography and design.*Engage and satisfy the curiosity of all readers with lively writing styles and broad range of topics and subjects that provides something to interest and motivate eve...
Rigby Star Guided Reception/P1 Lilac Level: The Hungry Fox (6 Pack) Framework Edition (RIGBY STAR)
by Claire Llewellyn
Genre: Wordless animal story with predictable structure.Learning Objective: Language ComprehensionStrand 7: Retell narratives in the correct sequence.
Hens' Eggs Non Fiction 1 (Longman Book Project)
by Jane Inglis, Roberta Neate, and Sue Palmer
Series Editor: Sue Palmer Non-fiction Editor: Bobbie NeateLongman Book Project non-fiction for ages 4-11:Motivates a wide range of reading abilities with differentiated text in every book to support struggling readers and extend confident readers Encourages successful learning of information retrieval skills through clear and consistent page layouts and supportive photography Develops non-fiction reading and writing skills through National Curriculum and QCA linked cross-curricular subjects
Band 2 Cluster Pack B:Bean Paper (Longman Book Project)
by Mick Gowar, Sue Palmer, and Wendy Body
General Editor: Sue Palmer Fiction Editor and Language Consultant: Wendy Body The Longman Book Project for ages 4-11: *Inspires children with an unparalleled variety of fiction by significant children's authors and illustrators such as Anne Fine, Beverley Naidoo, Michael Rosen, Jacqueline Wilson and Geraldine McCaughrean. *Offers at-a-glance NLS teaching support in a literacy grid at the back of every book highlighting text, sentence and word level work for easy access by teachers, teaching a...