Clouds (Let's-Read-And-Find-Out Science: Stage 1 )
by Anne Rockwell
Describes different types of clouds and how to identify them.
"Provides scientific information about Earth's atmosphere"--Provided by publisher.
A world of knowledge at your fingertips! Four more exciting titles in this excellent series from Zigzag. Ever wondered where the weather comes from, or what life was like in ancient times? These questions and many, many more are answered in this fascinating series. Each book has a fully interactive CD-ROM and includes exciting Internet links to take children to the most interesting and informative sites on the net. Knowledge Master is a complete, user-friendly multimedia package that's ideal for...
El Máximo Secreto de la Naturaleza (Top-Secret Nature) (El Maximo Secreto de la Naturaleza (Top-Secret Nature))
Windy Days (Welcome Books: Weather Report (Paperback))
by John J. Burke and Jennifer S Burke
It's Father's Day! (Welcome, Summer!) (Welcoming the Seasons)
by Maddie Spalding
Weather / El Tiempo (Barron's Bilingual First Books)
Eye on the Sky (Set) (Eye on the Sky)
Climate Change (Spotlight on Weather and Natural Disasters)
by Jade Zora Scibilia
Interactive Explorer: Weather and Space (Interactive Explorer)
by Helen Young and Chris Oxlade
¿Qué Sucede En Invierno? / What Happens in Winter? (Cuatro Estaciones Estupendas / Four Super Seasons)
by Alex Appleby
"Discusses the forces that cause different weather conditions"--Provided by publisher.
Examines weather and climate on both local and global levels, discussing natural cycles, changes in weather, and weather prediction.