Rocks and Minerals (Essential Physical Science) (Heinemann Infosearch: Essential Physical Science)
by Chris Oxlade
The Earth’s rocks and minerals are incredibly varied, but they have many features in common. This book explores the main types of rocks, looking at their characteristics, properties, and uses.
A fantastic resource for children aged 5-7, this book about the science of materials is perfect for curious young scientists and a great one-stop-shop for help with homework! What is plastic made from? Why are electricity cables made from metal? Which materials let heat pass through them? Discover the materials used to make everyday objects. See where materials come from, learn about their properties and find out how we choose materials.Q and A Kids books are full of interaction and fun: questio...
Griz Finds Gold:: A Story about California (Fact & Fable: State Stories)
by Mary Lindeen
Simon Basher is back with another zany primer to science! Following his 3 successful titles on the basics of chemistry, physics, and biology, BASHER SCIENCE: ROCKS AND MINERALS is an in-depth look at the ground beneath our feet. Like his other titles, Basher presents these topics through charming and adorable illustrations and pairs them with basic information told from a first person perspective. He develops a community of characters based on the things that form the foundations of our planet:...
What Is Earth's Soil Made Of? Introduction to Physical Geology Grade 4 Children's Earth Sciences Books
The World's Mineral Resources (World's Resources)
by Fellow Robin Kerrod
Quartz and Other Minerals (Guide to Rocks and Minerals)
by Chris Pellant and Helen Pellant
Rocks & Minerals (For the Junior Rockhound)
by Mary Packard and Packard, Edward
Modelling of Mine Structures
Proceedings of the 10th Plenary Scientific Session of the International Bureau of Strata Mechanics, World Mining Congress, Stockholm, June 1987. No index. Annotation copyright Book News, Inc. Portland, Or.
Why Does It Happen? (Why Does It Happen, #1) (Children's Earthquake & Volcano Books)
by Baby Professor
Lo Básico de Las Rocas/Rock Basics (Pebble Plus Bilingue/Bilingual: Lo Basico de la Naturaleza/Nature Basics (Library))
by Carol Ji in Lugtu
"Simple text and photographs present rocks--in both English and Spanish"--