Is It Big or Is It Small? An Opposites Book About Sizes for Kids - Baby & Toddler Size & Shape Books
by Baby Professor
Amazing Shapes brings this very important early learning topic to life with cute, bold illustrations, and lots of flaps to open. This interactive book follows the early primary Maths curriculum, with a few extra opportunities for eager learners, so that children feel supported and excited when they meet geometry topics in and out of class. Lift-the-flaps elements, fun questions throughout, plus a quiz at the end of the book encourage a child's curiosity, helping them become independent little le...
Composition Notebook 4x4 Quad Ruled Graph Paper (Basketball Sports Journals, #5) (Soccer Football Journals, #5)
by Sardonyx Notebooks
Written and vetted by educators and aligned with math standards, discover the ultimate 1st grade math workbook from America's #1 educational bestseller.It's fun to be smart! From the brand that's loved by kids, approved by teachers, and trusted by parents, Brain Quest Math Workbook: 1st Grade is packed with hands-on activities that introduce and reinforce essential math concepts that help children succeed in school and beyond. The workbook includes kid-friendly explanations and targeted support...
¡Formas Divertidas! (Shapes Are Fun! ) (Spanish Version) (Set) (!formas Divertidas! (Shapes Are Fun! ))
by Teddy Borth
Rectángulos (Rectangles) (Spanish Version) (!formas Divertidas! (Shapes Are Fun! ))
by Teddy Borth
Can You See a Circle?: Explore Shapes (Nature Numbers) (Nature Numbers)
by Ruth Musgrave
Everyday 3-D Shapes (Set) (Everyday 3-D Shapes)
Geometry and Topology (Math Lab for Kids)
by Rebecca Rapoport and J A Yoder
Math Lab for Kids proves that math is more than just numbers--the hands-on activities in this book make learning math fun! In Geometry and Topology, kids learn to think about shapes in new ways by playing with prisms, antiprisms, Platonic solids, Moebius strips, and squeezable, squishable shapes. No expensive supplies are required! Everything needed to complete the activities are included or can be found around the house. Math Lab for Kids: Geometry and Topology will give kids a great experience...
Comment Dessiner Avec Un Compas Fiche Technique N°140 Le bonhomme de neige
by Dessin Au Compas Angelique Editions
A workbook offering sample questions and tests, designed to help students become familiar with test formats and content.