A grandmother and her grandchildren tell what makes the other special and why that relationship is so special.
This innovative series grew out of a desire to provide all children with the opportunity to see themselves within the books they are reading and to identify with the children and families they see. The diversity of today's families is clearly captured. The simple text and engaging photographs explore the relationship between very young children and their environment. Grandpa explores a young child's world using photographs of a variety of children interacting with their grandpas.
One day they will send for her, but how long must Van Ho wait for her family to find a way to get her out of South Vietnam? During the aftermath of the Vietnam War, Van wakes up one morning to find that her mother, her sisters Loan and Lan, and her brother Tuan are gone. They have escaped the new communist regime that has taken over Ho Chi Minh City for freedom in the West. Four-year-old Van is too young--and her grandmother is too old--for such a dangerous journey by boat, so the two have been...
La terre mère, nous venons d'elle, nous allons vers elle et sans elle, nous ne serions pas ici. Elle nous donne à tous la vie et grâce à elle, nous sommes une seule et même famille. Dans presque tous les segments de la vie autochtone, on parle de la terre mère, du père ciel, du grand-père soleil et de la grand-mère lune. L’oeuvre Rencontre ta famille est un poème rythmé de David Bouchard qui fera découvrir aux lecteurs ces personnages importants et mettra en lumière un concept plus large de la v...
A selection of letters by Laura Ingalls Wilder to her husband in which she describes the highlights of her visit to the west coast in 1915.
From master Hopi woodcarver Mavasta Honyouti, the story of his grandfather's experience at a residential boarding school and how he returned home to pass their traditions down to future generations. When Mavasta Honyouti was a boy he would go with his grandfather to their cornfield, watching him nurture every plant. During breaks, his grandfather would take out a piece of paako root and use his pocketknife to whittle away. He made beautiful carvings that Mavasta would later learn to do himself...
Falimiario es un libro lleno de emoción, humor, realidad y poesía. Un libro para disfrutar y para pensar, cómo no, en familia. Todas las familias se parecen... pero cada una lo es a su manera. Y en este libro están todas o casi. Existen tantas familias como formas de ser, y lo único que cuenta, al final, es el amor. Familiario es un homenaje a la diversidad y a la estima a los nuestros, sean quienes sean, sean como sean. ENGLISH DESCRIPTION Family-ary is a book filled with emotions, humo...
Starting in the 1800s and continuing into the 20th century, First Nations children were forcibly taken to government-sponsored residential schools to erase their traditional languages and cultures. This moving book tells of one such child, author Larry Loyie, and his last summer with his Cree tribe. It is a time of learning and adventure. He cares for an abandoned baby owl, watches his grandmother make winter moccasins, and sees her kill a huge grizzly with one shot. The sensitive text and Heath...
A must-have guided journal for the grandma and grandson who crave a rule-free, creative way to connect with each other. With engaging prompts, thoughtful questions, space for drawings and photos, and coloring pages, you'll have tons of fun as you craft a one-of-a-kind keepsake—together.Between Grandma and Me is a sweet shared journal and the perfect tool for building grandmother-grandson relationships. Together, grandmas and grandsons can record memories, swap stories, ask questions, compare per...
Before coming to Canada, while he was still an art teacher in Beijing, Song Nan Zhang traveled from Inner Mongolia east, south, and north to find and paint unusual scenes of Chinese family life. Here are the children who grow up in the saddle with their nomadic parents or become as agile as the mountain goats they tend. A boy plays chess on the ground with his shepherd grandfather. A teenager tends her father’s pottery shop. At festivals a child plays hide-and-seek, behind yellow parasols, and...
When James Warhola was a little boy, his father had a junk business that turned their yard into a wonderful play zone that his mother didn't fully appreciate! But whenever James and his family drove to New York City to visit Uncle Andy, they got to see how "junk" could become something truly amazing in an artist's hands.