High-Tech DIY Projects with 3D Printing (Maker Kids)
by Maggie Murphy
Looks Like Rain! (Computer Science for the Real World)
by Sonja Reyes
Making a Parachute (Computer Science for the Real World)
by Leigh McClure
We Help Our Community (Computer Science for the Real World)
by Sadie Silva
What's Wrong with the Microscope? (Computer Kids: Powered by Computational Thinking) (Computer Science for the Real World)
by Sheri Lang
Super Scratch Programming Adventure! (Covers Version 2)
by The Lead Project
We Can Start a Business (Computer Science for the Real World)
by Rosie McKee
Careers for Tech Girls in Computer Science (Tech Girls)
by Heather Moore Niver
Beginning Visual C# Express for High School Students - 2010 Edition
by Philip Conrod and Lou Tylee
Building a Sailboat (Computer Science for the Real World)
by Dwayne Booker
More Web Design with Html5 (21st Century Skills Innovation Library: Makers as Innovators)
by Colleen Van Lent
Handwriting Practice Paper Be Smart Education (Handwriting Workbook for Toddlers, #1)
by Dave Legend
Windows for Beginners (Usborne Computer Guides)
by Richard Dungworth
Digital Era Encryption and Decryption (Cryptography: Code Making and Code Breaking)
by Ryan Nagelhout
Pro-gram-mer N. an organism that turns coffee to software
by Kent Wiliams