Baby Farm Animal - An Adult Coloring Book Featuring Super Cute and Adorable Animals for Stress Relief and Relaxation
by Danica Bonner
From wolf communication and pack pecking order to the reintroduction of grey wolves to Yellowstone National Park, get all the latest wolf insights and intel straight from the field from National Geographic Explorer and biologist Douglas Smith. Ready to go on a search for grey wolves in the wild? Travel to the American West to learn all about these fierce, often misunderstood canines so YOU too can become an absolute expert. Take a trip around the globe and learn about other wolves and...
This title lets you examine the wonderful world of wolves, jackals, coyotes, foxes and other wild dogs, shown in 190 exciting images. It offers in-depth coverage of all aspects of the lives of wolves and wild dogs, from rearing young to survival tactics. You can discover the strict social hierarchy of a wolf pack and their highly developed senses of smell and sight. Stunning wildlife images - 190 magnificent pictures by some of the world's top animal photographers. Detailed cross-sections and di...
Lobo, ¿quién eres? / Wolf, who are you? (Altea Benjamin) (Altea Benjamín)
by Laura Bour
¿Por qué se cazó a tantos lobos? Se temía que los lobos hambrientos o con rabia atacaran al ganado o a la gente. Lobo, ¿quién eres? escrito e ilustrado por Laura Bour, es un libro de la colección Altea Benjamín, la enciclopedia que responde a las preguntas de los niños que ya leen solos. ENGLISH DESCRIPTION Covers wolves' characteristics and behavior, with special focus on the causes and effects of the extermination of wolves during several centuries. At the end, several interesting ex...
Coyotes (Checkerboard Animal Library. Animal Icons) (Animal Icons)
by Sheila Griffin Llanas
Lucky Litter, The: Wolf Pups Rescued from Wildfire
by Jennifer Keats Curtis
"As a huge wildfire roared along the Funny River in the Kenai National Wildlife Refuge in Alaska, firefighters rushed to the rescue. When they found five three-week-old wolf pups in need, they raced into action to save the whole litter. With no wolf parents to help, zookeepers and vets at the Alaska Zoo made sure the babies grew into a healthy, happy pack. Follow this true story as the pups travel from their charred forest to the Alaska Zoo, where they grow big and strong before finally moving t...
Playful Prairie Dog introduces children to the life of a prairies dog “town,” where the squirrel-like animals carve out vast systems of borrows and tunnels in order to raise their families and protect themselves from predators such as coyotes, badgers, and hawks. The book describes what prairie dogs eat, how they look after each other, and their unique “bark” to warn other prairie dogs of danger nearby. Prairie dogs also often share their burrows with rattlesnakes, spiders, mice, rabbits, and bu...
This title is suitable for children aged 6 to 10. Lions and tigers and bears and Wolves, oh my! Acclaimed nature writer and illustrator Jim Arnosky introduces awe-inspiring wild predators: carnivores that survive by tooth and claw. Follow the huge paw prints of big cats like the African lion and the speedy cheetah, of massive bears like the fierce grizzly, and the gray wolf, the forerunner of your own pet dog. One spectacular double gatefold plus two single foldouts present the animals up close...