Good Luck in Your New Job Amigo P.S. Happy Cinco de Mayo
by Golden B Prints
The Sweet Potato Queens are back and bawdier than ever in Southern belle extraordinaire Jill Conner Browne’s ninth edition of the hysterical series. Having experienced pretty much ALL of the crappy parts of life, Browne feels it is her duty to render whatever assistance she can to her fellow sufferers—and she does so in her own inimitable fashion. Her father taught her there are very few situations in life that we really and truly cannot change, and it is up to us to figure out how to either ma...
Je suis une Super Maman qui veut juste faire une petite sieste c'est possible ?
by Marie Et Joseph Publishing
Not Your Mother's Book . . . on Working for a Living (Not Your Mother's Book)
Not Your Mother's Book . . . on Being a Parent (Not Your Mother's Book)
Merry Christmas Dad Mum Did Good With Our Presents This Year
by Parent Press
Be Mom of the Year, every year. A tongue-in-cheek look at how the values and traditional family roles in the 1950s seem oh, so strange now. Go back to the past, when moms were moms, kids knew their place, and life was exactly as it should be! This fun, retro follow-up to the Good Wife and Good Husband Guides shows today’s mothers how to maintain a peaceful family and home, 1950’s style—just as their own mothers did. Now in a classic mini edition! The nostalgic advice—all presented in period kit...