Die Deutsch-Persischen Beziehungen Von 1918-1933 (Europaeische Hochschulschriften / European University Studie, #37)
by Ahmad Mahrad
Der Begriff Der Investitur in Den Quellen Und Der Literatur Des Investiturstreites (Classic Reprint)
by Anton Scharnagl
Arrested by Nazis in 1944 after her political beliefs were reported, Rinser was imprisoned until the end of the war. She shared her captivity with a variety of women including Jehovah's Witnesses, abortionists, women who had had affairs with foreigners, thieves and other politically suspect prisoners. Her journal covers two months of her imprisonment, observing both herself and her companions, as they cope, or fail to cope, in their various ways, with prison.
The Hour of the Women
by Christian Graf Von Krockow and Christian von Krockow
Libussa Fritz-Krockow was forced to live by her wits to survive the harrowing final days of the Third Reich. As waves of invading Russian troops poured into the remote Eastern provinces, sealing them off from the West, all vestiges of order were swept away. Christian von Krockow has used his sister's experiences to write this narrative, written as though with Libussa's voice. The book tells how Libussa kept her baby and ageing parents alive by stealing vegetables from the Russian headquarters, h...
Im Mai 1872 wurde in Strassburg eine aussergewoehnliche Universitat eingeweiht, die eine ganz spezielle Aufgabe im durch den Krieg von 1870/71 wieder deutsch gewordenen Elsass-Lothringen zu erfullen hatte. Von den franzoesischen und deutschen Historikern nur am Rande beachtet, verdient diese Universitat des Reichslandes, die alles andere als eine simple Germanisierungsanstalt war, eine eingehende wissenschaftliche Behandlung. Auf der Basis des Humboldtschen Universitatsgedankens und der kulturpr...
Unintended Affinities examines the ways in which German and Polish historians of the nineteenth-century regarded the Holy Roman Empire and the Polish-Lithuanian Commonwealth. The book parallels how historians approached the old Reich and the Commonwealth within the framework of their national history. Kozuchowski analyzes how German and Polish nationalistic historians, who played central roles in propagandizing a glorious past that justified a centralized modern state, struggled with how to port...
Konnersreuth; a Medical and Psychological Study of the Case of Teresa Neumann
by Rudolf Maria 1883-1952 Hynek
Focusing on the interaction between dominant and minority cultures, this text examines how 19th century Jewish university students reconciled their German and Jewish heritages, and how adjusting social relationships to accommodate both worlds became the norm, not the exception.
Historically, for sustaining and reproducing their economic lives, people have obtained goods and services through various ways. How did people tackle issues that the market did not handle well? This volume compares early modern efforts to provide ?public goods??defined in contraposition to market-mediated goods and goods provided through personal relations, such as kinship ties. We examine poverty and famine relief, infrastructure building, and forestry management in East Asia and Europe, using...
On October 10, 1941, the entire Jewish population of the Belarusian village of Krucha was rounded up and shot. While Nazi death squads routinely carried out mass executions on the Eastern Front, this particular atrocity was not the work of the SS but was committed by a regular German army unit acting on its own initiative. Marching into Darkness is a bone-chilling expose of the ordinary footsoldiers who participated in the Final Solution on a daily basis.Although scholars have exploded the myth...
Die Offiziale Der Bischoefe Von Halberstadt Im Mittelalter (Classic Reprint)
by Nikolaus Hilling
Beethoven and the Lyric Impulse (Routledge Voice Studies)
by Amanda Glauert
Amanda Glauert revisits Beethoven’s songs and studies his profound engagement with the aesthetics of the poets he was setting, particularly those of Herder and Goethe. The book offers readers a rich exploration of the poetical and philosophical context in which Beethoven found himself when composing songs. It also offers detailed commentaries on possible responses to specific songs, responses designed to open up new ways for performing, hearing and appreciating this provocative song repertoire....
On 10 May 1941, Rudolf Hess - Deputy Fuhrer of the Third Reich - embarked on his astonishing flight from Augsburg to Scotland. At dusk the same day, he parachuted on to a Scottish moor and was taken into custody. His arrival provoked widespread curiosity and speculation, which has continued to this day. Why did Hess fly to Scotland? Had Hitler authorized him to attempt to negotiate peace? Was British intelligence involved? What was his state of mind at the time? Drawing on a variety of reliable...
Das Buch bringt religioese Konflikte in der galizischen Literatur zur Darstellung. Der Schwerpunkt liegt dabei auf der Analyse von literarischen Werken, die zwischen 1848 und 1914 entstanden, als Galizien noch "oesterreichisch" und durch eine grosse ethnisch-konfessionelle Vielfalt gepragt war. Zugleich stellt die Studie den Versuch dar, die literarische Deutung konfessioneller Beziehungen zwischen der roemisch-katholischen, griechisch-katholischen und judischen Bevoelkerung in Galizien unter Be...
Barbara Von CILLI: Die Schwarze Koenigin (1392-1451) (Spectrum Slovakia, #11)
by Daniela Dvorakova
Nur selten erlitt eine mittelalterliche Frauengestalt seitens der Schriftsteller und Historiker soviel Unrecht und ging mit solch schlechtem Ruf wie Koenigin Barbara von Cilli in die Geschichte ein. In der Literatur wird Barbara seit mehreren Jahrhunderten systematisch geschmaht. Die ersten Werke, die ein negatives Bild uber sie verbreiteten, entstanden schon in der Zeit ihres Todes oder sogar noch wahrend ihres Lebens, und sie ging als Schwarze Koenigin oder Deutsche Messalina ins historische...