Die Deutsch-Persischen Beziehungen Von 1918-1933 (Europaeische Hochschulschriften / European University Studie, #37)
by Ahmad Mahrad
Alfonso V of Aragon, who won from his contemporaries the title `the Magnanimous', was one of the most brilliant of the fifteenth-century monarchs. Professor Ryder follows him from childhood in the chivalric world of Castile, to the newly-acquired states of Aragon, and his subsequent accession to the Aragonese throne. Pulled by powerful dynastic interests towards intervention in the turbulent world of Castilian politics, Alfonso eventually broke free to pursue his own ambitions in the central M...
Die Composition Des Deuteronomischen Richterbuches (Richter II. 6-XVI.)
by Wilhelm Frankenberg
L'Italia del Novecento. Le fotografie e la storia. Vol.1.2 (1945-2000)
by Giovanni De Luna, Luca Criscenti, and Gabriele D'Autilia
Discover ancient worlds in a spectacular landscape Whether you want to explore the awe inspiring Acropolis, relax on the unspoiled beaches of the Máni archipelago or simply indulge in deliciously fresh Greek food, your DK Eyewitness travel guide makes sure you experience all that Greece has to offer.From the ancient wonders of Delphi and Olympos to the rugged coastline of the Máni peninsula, Greece dazzles with an array of breathtaking sites and scenery. Amid this historic landscape lie a number...
'The most lovable figure in modern politics' was how A.J.P Taylor described the Christian pacifist, George Lansbury. At 73 he took over the helm of the Labour Party of only 46 MPs in the Depression years of the 1930s. Throughout a remarkable life, Lansbury remained an extraordinary politician of the people, associated with a multitude of crusades for social justice. He resigned from Parliament to support 'Votes for Women', and for the next ten years edited the fiery Daily Herald. In 1921 Lansbur...
Mittheilungen Des Instituts Fur Oesterreichische Geschichtsforschung, 1891, Vol. 12
by E Muhlbacher
This book sets out to answer the question of why Eastern Church writers showed no interest in analytical reasoning - the so-called "intellectual silence" of Rus' culture - while Western Church writers, by the time of the Scholastics, routinely incorporated analytical reasoning into their defences of the faith. Donald Ostrowski suggests that Western, post-Enlightenment- trained, analytical scholars miss the point, not because of an inability to comprehend cultural ideas which seem abstract and in...
Le Monastere de Batalha En Portugal, Monographie Ornee de Vingt-Six Gravures Heliographiques
by Joao de Magalhaes Sarmento Condeixa
We tend to think of citizenship as something that is either offered or denied by a state. Modern history teaches otherwise. Reimagining citizenship as a legal spectrum along which individuals can travel, Extraterritorial Dreams explores the history of Ottoman Jews who sought, acquired, were denied or stripped of citizenship in Europe in the late nineteenth and early twentieth centuries-as the Ottoman Empire retracted and new states were born-in order to ask larger questions about the nature of c...
Chivalric culture, soldiers and soldiering, and treason, politics and the court form the main themes of this volume - as is appropriate in a book which honours the distinguished medievalist Maurice Keen. The essays, all by eminentscholars in the field, cover such topics as nobility and mobility in Anglo-Saxon society; chivalry and courtliness; the crusade and chivalric ideas; chivalry and art; devotional literature; piety and chivalry; military strategy;the victualling of castles; Bertrand du Gu...
Much like in the present day, building a house in the sixteenth century involved masons, carpenters and glaziers, among others, and in many cities such trades had separate companies to govern their own affairs. In Edinburgh, however, they banded together in a single body - the Edinburgh Incorporation of Mary's Chapel. Building Early Modern Edinburgh traces the history of the organisation, which sought to control the capital's building trades and defend their privileges. By utilising a range o...
Despatches, Letters and Diary of Vice-Admiral Lord Viscount Horatio Nelson
by Viscount Horatio Nelson Nelson