"Fearless: The Complete Personal Safety Guide for Women" is an extensive manual that offers a unique balance of practical advice on personal safety and an array of self-defence strategies, with an academic exploration of the psychology of offenders and victims. While presenting the reader with detailed self-defence material, including strategies for safety awareness and effective physical and non-physical resistance techniques, Paul Henry Danylewich investigates the social patterns of sexual ass...
Emergency Preparedness: A Safety Guide to Planning for People, Property, and Business Continuity provides step-by-step instructions for developing prevention and response plans for all types of emergencies and disasters. It helps the reader to create an organization-wide emergency management plan that ensures that all procedures are in place and all equipment and personnel needs are addressed so that you and/or your organization can respond to an emergency situation quickly and instinctively. Yo...
Pesticide Waste Management (ACS Symposium, #510)
Discusses the disposal of pesticides and pesticide containers. Analyses the current status of pesticide disposal and identifies problems yet to be resolved. Examines progress in the development of pesticide disposal technology and highlights successful implementation of disposal programs. Includes case studies of Minnesota state pesticide waste management programs. Reviews the current regulations pertinent to the area.
The Pathophysiology and Treatment of Drowning and Near-Drowning
by Jerome H Modell
Trish Knight's youngest son Ben was killed on 2nd September 2006 when RAF Nimrod XV230 exploded in mid-air over the barren war torn landscape of Southern Afghanistan. All 14 Servicemen on board were killed. Ben was 25 years old. The day after his death Trish and her husband Graham suddenly found themselves in the media spotlight, as this was - and still remains - the largest loss of life in a single incident in the military since the Falklands War. Since Ben's death Trish has kept a journal,...
Human Factors and Safety Research Related to Highway Design and Operation, 1990 (Transportation Research Record, #1281)
The Art of Travel; Or, Shifts and Contrivances Available in Wild Countries
by Francis Galton
Food Safety and Foodborne Disease Surveillance Systems
by With Research Center for Gastroenterology Office for Central Europe and Eurasia Nrc
Candida Quick Cleanse (Candida Quick Cleanse: Cure Candida & Restore, #1)
by Shawn Rashid
Учение о Пламени Магнификат
by Домашева-Самойленко and В. Самойленко
Zakony Izobiliya Tehniki I Praktiki Materializatsii Zhelanij
by R. Dolya
Alchemy for Managers demonstrates how you can develop yourself through the actual experience of managing. Alchemy for Managers shows: - how you can use your practical experience as a self-contained means to develop yourself - without having to go on a course - how your own projects can develop your competence in both leadership and management - how managing external actions and your internal thought processes can be brought together in an integrated, holistic way.
RFID and Sensor Network Automation in the Food Industry
by Selwyn Piramuthu and Weibiao Zhou
Radio Frequency Identification (RFID) is a key technology in the food industry that facilitates real-time visibility of items as they move through the supply chain and on to the end-consumer. Among all the currently available automatic identification technologies, RFID has clear dominance in terms of its ability to support real-time two-way communication, data storage and update, authentication, ambient condition sense and report, batch read without direct line-of-sight, operation in harsh envir...
Scenario Logic and Probabilistic Management of Risk in Business and Engineering (Applied Optimization)
by E D Solojentsev
In this volume, the methodological aspects of the scenario logic and probabilistic (LP) non-success risk management are considered. The theoretical bases of scenario non-success risk LP-management in business and engineering are also stated. Methods and algorithms for the scenario risk LP-management in problems of classification, investment and effectiveness are described. Risk LP- models and results of numerical investigations for credit risks, risk of frauds, security portfolio risk, risk of q...
The Paranoid Sisters Present: Child Safety Made Easy
by Lisa Carter and Lori Marques