Themistius (Ancient Commentators on Aristotle)
Themistius' treatment of "Books 5-8" of Aristotle's "Physics" shows this commentator's capacity to identify, isolate and discuss the core ideas in Aristotle's account of change, his theory of the continuum, and his doctrine of the unmoved mover. His paraphrase offered his ancient students, as they will now offer his modern readers, an opportunity to encounter central features of Aristotle's physical theory, synthesized and epitomized in a manner that has always marked Aristotelian exegesis but w...
Select Letters (Bristol Classical Paperbacks) (Class S.)
by Lucius Annaeus Seneca
First published by Macmillan in 1910 and frequently reprinted thereafter, this selection includes the Latin text of Letters 5, 7, 11, 12, 15, 18, 21, 27, 28, 33, 40, 43, 44, 47, 51, 53-57, 63, 76-80, 82, 84, 86-88, 90, 107, 108, 114 and 122. Three introductory chapters trace the history of Latin prose style, comment on Seneca's own language and style, and give an account of Seneca's critics and admirers from ancient times to the twentieth century. The edition includes explanatory English notes o...
Virgil's "Aeneid" (Unwin Critical Library) (Classics Companions)
by Robert Deryck Williams
The Aeneid of Virgil is one of the greatest works of Classical antiquity. This study by the Virgilian scholar R. Deryck Williams, first published in 1987 and long unavailable, sets the Aeneid in its historical literary background and shows how Virgil related his own world of the newly established Roman Empire to the experience of the past. The poetic qualities of epic are analysed and illustrated by frequent quotations from the Latin, always with prose translations. The book will be appreciated...
Embracing the whole two-thousand-year corpus of Latin poetry, this book seeks to stimulate interest in the neglected art of reading aloud. It establishes a practical working pronunciation for Classical, Medieval and Renaissance Latin by means of a detailed analysis of the essential known facts, and it develops and explains a clear and practical system of phonetic notation, based upon the International Phonetic Alphabet. A substantial number of poems and extracts from all periods is offered for p...
Das Ritual Der Malli Aus Arzawa Gegen Behexung (Texte Der Hethiter, #2)
by Liane Jakob-Rost
Geschichtskonzeptionen Griechischer Historiker Im 2. Und 3. Jahrhundert N. Chr. (Europaische Hochschulschriften / European University Studies / Publications Universitaires Europeenn, #84) (Europaeische Hochschulschriften / European University Studie, #84)
by Barbara Kuhn-Chen
Die in diesem Buch behandelten Autoren wurden lange Zeit primar als Quellen fur die roemische Geschichte betrachtet. Dagegen untersucht diese Arbeit die hinter der Darstellung stehenden Geschichtskonzeptionen. Es zeigt sich, dass die Autoren Faktoren, die teils aus der historiographischen Tradition, teils aus zeitgenoessischen Vorstellungen stammen, zu einem jeweils eigenen Geschichtsbild verbinden, dem sie die roemische Geschichte unterwerfen.
Die Theorie Des Geistlichen Lebens in Der "Vita Moysis" Des Gregor Von Nyssa (Europaische Hochschulschriften / European University Studies / Publications Universitaires Europeenn, #858) (Europaeische Hochschulschriften / European University Studie, #858)
by Matthias Gran
Gregor von Nyssa verfasst seine Schrift De vita Moysis als ein Leuchtfeuer, mit dem er einem Rat suchenden jungen Christen den Weg in den geborgenen Hafen der Tugend weisen will. An der Biografie der bedeutenden alttestamentlichen Gestalt des Mose orientiert, entfaltet der Nyssener eine Theorie des geistlichen Lebens und stellt seinem Adressaten eine vorbildhafte und zur Nachahmung anregende Lebensform vor Augen. Gregors Theorie beinhaltet mystische und meditative Elemente, wobei das Streben nac...
This volume of the new DSI series is the most comprehensive investigation of Hebrew and Greek translation equivalents in Ps 42-43 in the Psalter and in the Septuagint as a whole currently available. This detailed study does not only include the translation equivalents in the Septuagint, the semantic meanings of the Hebrew and Greek words are also discussed and parallels in the LXX as well as in the Hebrew Bible are included. A systematic investigation of the translator's method must be carried o...
Hellenische Identitat in Der Spatantike (Untersuchungen Zur Antiken Literatur Und Geschichte, #97)
by Jan Stenger
A contemporary translation of the Greek classic.
This classic Greek composition book has been in use thoroughout the world for over 100 years. It remains the standard middle school Grek manual. It features brief lesson overviews followed by English to Greek composition exercises. In the Appendix the student will find useful tables of verb stems, prepositions and particles. The book is suitable for both beginners and intermediate learners.
A Student's Vocabulary for Biblical Hebrew and Aramaic, Updated Edition
by Larry A. Mitchel
A Student’s Vocabulary for Biblical Hebrew and Aramaic has been a standard resource for students of Hebrew and Aramaic for over 30 years. This new edition has updated formatting and transliterations to be more useful for students in vocabulary acquisition. The book provides vocabulary lists of Hebrew words appearing ten times or more in the Hebrew Bible. A separate section contains all Aramaic words appearing in the Hebrew Bible. The lists are arranged according to word frequency, allowing stude...
Die Geographischen Beziehungen Der Lukka-Lander (Texte Der Hethiter, #27)
by Max Gander
El Cisne Modernista (Currents in Comparative Romance Languages & Literatures, #35)
by Karl Hermann Gauggel
Se examinan los origenes del cisne modernista, desde la antigueedad clasica, el periodo medieval, el renacentista, el barroco, el neoclasico y el romantico. Tambien se estudian las influencias francesas y germanicas del siglo XIX. Despues se observan los cisnes de Ruben Dario y de otros modernistas, asi como la reaccion de Gonzalez Martinez y la supervivencia del simbolo en poetas posteriores.