El Fantasma de Canterville Para Estudiantes de Espa ol. Libro de Lectura (Read in Spanish, #4)
by J a Bravo
La Comedia Espanola y el Teatro Europeo del siglo XVII
by Henry W. Sullivan, Raul A. Galoppe, and Mahlon L. Stoutz
Ezra Pound once observed that Lope de Vega gave Spain her theatre and Spain in turn gave her theatre to Europe, but this fact of literary history is barely understood and even less well documented as regards the impact of the Comedia on European drama in the seventeenth century itself, especially by Lope de Vega. The essays in this volume demonstrate and explore Spain's influence on the national dramas of Europe, directing attention to the receptionof the Spanish comediain Italy, France, England...
Everyday Spanish
A photographic phrasebook suitable for use with key stage 2 students through to teenagers, this book includes Spanish words and phrases, a Spanish pronunciation guide, and English translations.
Zoom espanol 2 Foundation Workbook (8 Pack)
Zoom espanol is an inspiring two-part Spanish course offering fresh, exciting material and a fully-integrated video drama for the full ability range at KS3. There is a clear route through for students following both two-year and three-year courses so students and teachers know exactly how much material needs to be covered. Zoom espanol delivers the revised KS3 Programme of Study, PLTS and the Renewed Framework. The Zoom espanol course has a full suite of differentiated resources to support you...
La Intensificacion Como Categoria Pragmatica: Revision Y Propuesta (Studien Zur Romanischen Sprachwissenschaft Und Interkulturel, #36)
by Marta Albelda Marco
?Que es la intensificacion?, ?como se reconoce en la lengua? Este libro pretente responder a estas preguntas desde una perspectiva comunicativa. Su comportamiento en la lengua invita a caracterizarla como una categoria pragmatica empleada por los hablantes con una finalidad estrategica. Aunque tiene que ver con los fenomenos de enfasis, cuantificacion o expresividad, la intensificacion no se puede identificar con ellos. Los trabajos sobre el tema han incidido generalmente en su valor semantico y...
El Libro del Buen Amor (Poesia (Linkgua))
by Juan Ruiz Arcipreste De Hita
AA Essential Food and Drink (AA Essential Food & Drink Guides)
by Pepita Aris
One of the pleasures of travelling is sampling local food and this practical little pocket guide aims to make it easy. The extensive A-Z of food translates and explains all the local dishes and the raw ingredients you're likely to find in shops, markets or restaurants - and star ratings help you make choices. There's advice on the best wines and an A-Z of other drinks, both alcoholic and non-alcoholic. Going shopping? Read about the different kinds of stores and what they offer; check out what's...
Exam Board: MYPLevel: IBSubject: EnglishFirst Teaching: September 2016First Exam: June 2017Develop your skills to become an inquiring learner; ensure you navigate the MYP framework with confidence using a concept-driven and assessment-focused approach presented in global contexts.- Develop conceptual understanding with key MYP concepts and related concepts at the heart of each chapter.- Learn by asking questions with a statement of inquiry in each chapter. - Prepare for every aspect of assessme...
Centros Y Periferias En Espana Y Austria: Aspectos Literarios Y Culturales
Este volumen propone una aproximacion plural a los conceptos de centro y periferia en aspectos literarios e historico-culturales en el marco general de las relaciones hispano-austriacas. El analisis, siguiendo los parametros citados, resulta novedoso, ya que el objeto de estudio se aborda desde diferentes campos de investigacion, permitiendo, por tanto, propuestas interdisciplinares. Predominan los estudios concretos de tipo contrastivo y tematico, propios de la literatura comparada, pero se tra...
Preparados Listos Ya! (Primary Spanish) Teachers Guide
by Esperenza Luengo-Cervera and Marjorie Mora-Sotomayor
This free Teacher's Guide covers all five levels of the course. The authors have over ten years experience at the University of West Indies, Trinidad, researching the teaching of Spanish at Primary level. During this research, they have written and tested material, assisted teachers in the delivery of Spanish and taught the subject themselves. This course is the product of their outstanding work.
Lexical borrowing and deborrowing in Spanish in New York City
by Rachel Varra
Lexical Borrowing and Deborrowing in Spanish in New York City provides a sociodemographic portrait of lexical borrowing in Spanish in New York City. The volume offers new and important insights into research on lexical borrowing. In particular, it presents empirical data obtained through quantitative analysis to answer the question of who is most likely to use English lexical borrowings while speaking Spanish, to address the impact that English has on Spanish as spoken in the city and to identi...
DE LECTOR A ESCRITOR is a process-oriented, reading-to-write approach for Spanish composition courses based on authentic texts as models for compositional analysis.