Reception Studies
This is a new edition in the 'must-have' phrase book series from the AA to help you communicate with confidence. The perfect companion for travelling to Russia, this phrase book contains everything you need to know in a way that's concise, accessible and easy to understand. There are over 2,000 essential phrases, with 2-colour text to distinguish between English and Russian. Also included is a pronunciation guide and 2,000 word dictionary. It is presented in a handy, compact size with a stylish...
Der Band versammelt Aufsatze, die die literarische Bearbeitung von Endzeit und Untergang in ausgewahlten amerikanischen, deutschen, englischen, italienischen und russischen Romanen des 20. Jahrhunderts untersuchen. Diesen Apokalypsen der Moderne ist gemeinsam, dass der Untergang nicht in Form von Naturkatastrophen uber die Menschheit hereinbricht. Es handelt sich vielmehr um Zusammenbruche von Gesellschaftssystemen, von Weltbildern, um atomare oder konventionelle Kriege oder Voelkermord. Die Hal...
This book contains the Russian text of Lermontov's Demon, edited with an English language introduction and notes
From its posthumous publication in 1837, Pushkin's narrative poem, "The Bronze Horseman" has been regarded as a central text in Russian literature. This work considers the history of its composition, providing an excursus on the formal properties of the poem, extensive commentary, and an assessment of key thematic questions, with western and Russian responses and interpretations old and new.
This monograph aims to offer an in-depth critical analysis of Lermontov's novel, in the light of the latest criticism on the work. A review of the critical reception of the novel from publication up to the present day is offered in the introduction, and there is a comprehensive bibliography of secondary sources. This is followed with analysis of the novels' five consistent stories, as well as its introductory apparatus, to produce new critical insights into the text. Particular stress is laid on...
Childhood (Detstvo) appeared in 1852 and was Lev Tolstoy's first published work. Together with Boyhood (Otrochestvo) and Youth (Iunost') it forms a trilogy which, though fictional, is deeply rooted in Tolstoy's autobiography. As the first-person narrator grows out of childish innocence, he develops a growing awareness of the degree of deception inherent in adult behaviour and the extent to which he himself is increasingly capable of deception. Remarkable in its own right for its clear-sighted po...
Fast jeder weiss, wer Svejk ist. Svejk ist so bekannt, dass sogar jene etwas uber ihn wissen, die Jaroslav Haseks Osudy dobreho vojaka Svejka za svetove valky nie gelesen haben. Unbekannt ist dagegen, dass Haseks Roman ein starkes literarisches Echo gefunden hat: Svejk ist keine Figur, die ihren Anfang und ihr Ende im Werk Haseks nimmt, sondern er wirkt sich auf zahlreiche Autoren und deren Werke - die Svejkiaden - aus. Diese Arbeit stellt diese weit verstreuten tschechischen, deutschen und poln...
The Novel in Russia examines the Russian sensibility as it is revealed in prose fiction, the dominant mode of Russian literature. It explores how, in the work of Pushkin, Lermontov and Gogol, narrative art forsakes poetry for prose, and considers in turn six authors from the great age of prose realism: Goncharov, Turgenev, Leskov, Tolstoy, Saltykov-Shchedrin and Dostoevsky. The book provides an account of Chekhov and Gorky, appraises 'decadent' prose, the earlier Soviet writing, the school of So...
Russian Language Teaching Methodology and Course Design
The early plays by Vaclav Havel and Tom Stoppard show a number of important parallels. In the present study, six plays by Havel and Stoppard are regarded as works which satirize, in different ways, the totalitarian system. The comparison shows that the treatment of the political themes and the dramatic devices the two playwrights use can be described as mirror images.
Der bedeutende Literatur- und Kulturwissenschaftler, UEbersetzer, Publizist und Dichter Sergej S. Averincev wirkte zuletzt als Professor fur Russische Literatur an der Universitat Wien. Der Band vereint 19 Beitrage seiner Kollegen und Freunde aus mehreren Fachgebieten, die sich unter Bezug auf die Interessen dieses vielseitigen Gelehrten mit Fragen des geistigen, religioesen und literarischen Lebens der slawischen Welt vom Mittelalter bis ins 20. Jahrhundert auseinandersetzen.
Cinderella (Classics Illustrated Junior, #3) (Fairy Tales)
by Charles Perrault
In her haste to flee the palace before the fairy godmother's magic loses effect, Cinderella leaves behind a glass slipper. The illustrations set the story in 1920s London.
Tolstoy's "Childhood" (Critical Studies in Russian Literature S.)
by G Williams
"Childhood" is the first of three novels which describe the development to maturity of a character who is in some way close to Tolstoy himself. It is a classic picture of the life of the Russian gentry and a meditation on the problems which preoccupied Tolstoy all his life: how a person is affected by his environment, to what extent he has the power to change himself, what goals he should strive for, what is good and what is bad. In this study a survey of critical approaches to the work is combi...
Der Osten Des Ostens (Postcolonial Perspectives on Eastern Europe, #1)
Die Beitrage dieses Bandes belegen, dass der Begriff des Orientalismus zu einem wichtigen Arbeits- und Erkenntnisinstrument der kulturwissenschaftlich erneuerten Slavistik geworden ist. Der Plural "Orientalismen" oeffnet das Feld fur sehr verschiedenartige Konstellationen, die vom Kaukasus in der russischen Romantik uber die AEgypten-Bilder der russischen Moderne bis zu den Filmschulen Mittelasiens und zum Tschetschenien-Konflikt, vom polnischen Barockzeitalter bis zum Avantgarde-Roman der Zwisc...
Turgenev's povest' (or novella) Asya, of 1858, has a Rhineland setting. Asya, the illegitimate daughter of a Russian landowner, is travelling abroad with her half-brother. The narrator falls in love with her, but cannot bring himself to propose marriage until it is too late. Asya has gone. The narrative stance here struck by Turgenev - one of remorseful recollection - renders Asya one of his most poignant tales. It immediately occasioned a lively debate among contemporary Russian critics: over '...
Der Band versammelt Ergebnisse der aktuellen Forschungsprojekte von Doktoranden und Habilitanden in der slawistischen Literatur- und Kulturwissenschaft und gibt einen UEberblick uber neueste Forschungstendenzen. Das Spektrum der Beitrage reicht von Altrussland bis in die Gegenwart; mit Schwerpunkten im 19. Jahrhundert, der Klassischen Moderne, der Postmoderne und den westslawischen Literaturen. Grundlegendes zu bisher wenig erforschten Autoren und Genres steht neben originellen Relekturen kanoni...
Translating Great Russian Literature (BASEES/Routledge Series on Russian and East European Studies)
by Cathy McAteer
Launched in 1950, Penguin's Russian Classics quickly progressed to include translations of many great works of Russian literature and the series came to be regarded by readers, both academic and general, as the de facto provider of classic Russian literature in English translation, the legacy of which reputation resonates right up to the present day. Through an analysis of the individuals involved, their agendas, and their socio-cultural context, this book, based on extensive original research,...