Per Il Comune Di Bologna, Parte Civile, Contro Il Signor Biagio Oppi, Negoziante In Cavalli (1898)
by Regia Tipografia Publisher
La Storia Della Sicilia Nell' Antichita Di Adolfo Holm (1902)
by Paolo Revelli
Cenni Biografici In Memoria Dell' Amico E Patriota Amabile Bonello (1879)
by Risorgimento Publisher
Le Lezioni Dei Professori E I Diritti D'Autore (1890)
by Lamberto Ramponi
Della Efficacia Dell' Assegnazione Ultratriennale (1898)
by Alfredo Baccelli
Del Reato Commesso In Considerazione Dell' Amnistia
by Silvio Lollini
Del Mandato Penale O Procedura Per Decreto (1903)
by Alessandro Fanchini
Quali Dovrebbero Essere L'Oggetto E Le Condizioni Di Esercizio Dell' Azione Penale Popolare (1903)
by Bernardino Alimena
Del Ritratto Di Francesco Petrarca Nel Codice Vaticano 3198 (1898)
by Giuseppe Cozza-Luzi and Agostino Bartolini
Ancora Sui Tribonianismi Avvertiti Da A. Fabro (1902)
by Giovanni Baviera
Italian English Bilingual Visual Dictionary (DK Bilingual Visual Dictionaries)
Make learning Italian fun and easy with this bilingual visual dictionary. Whether you are learning the language for pleasure or for work this comprehensive dictionary is the ideal partner for you. Italian-English Bilingual Visual Dictionary comes with more than 10,000 illustrated terms that are arranged by themes and situations, making learning easy. Whether you are out grocery shopping or find yourself in the middle of an official meeting, this handy guide will always be at your side.The book i...
This phrasebook is the ultimate guide to get you talking in the local language on your next trip to Italy. A favorite language aid of millions of travelers, this phrasebook by DK contains all the key words and phrases that you will need. Each chapter in Eyewitness Italian Phrase Book covers a different theme to provide essential language skills in every kind of situation. The sentences are divided into short phrases to help readers understand the language better and build a variety of sente...
Want to learn Italian fast? This practical, user-friendly, and uniquely visual Italian language course is perfect for busy people. Teach yourself Italian in just 12 weeks with DK's Complete Language Pack, which includes an easy-to-follow course, a pocket-sized Italian phrase book, and a guide to the essentials of Italian grammar. The course book in this comprehensive starter pack is DK's 15 Minute Italian, which has 12 chapters spanning a range of practical themes, including so...