Student workbooks will support your teaching and help your students' skills and developments. The full-colour student workbooks each cover key topics in core subject areas to complement the main GCSE courses in French. Each topic comprises: 1-2 pages of source material and 4-5 pages of related exercises designed to develop and test student skills, with space provided for written answers. The exercises take various forms, including exam-style questions (both short-answer and extended-answer), alt...
Menu Master for France (Marling menu masters)
by William E. Marling and Clare F. Marling
Qu'est qu'on mange ce soir/What's for supper (I Can Read French S.) (Language learning story books)
by Mary Risk
Qu'est Qu'on Mange se Soir?/ What's for Supper? is a French-English dual-language storybook, making it ideal for all children starting to learn French. The warm humorous story has carefully controlled bilingual text with lots of repetition, along with enchanting illustrations. The book includes a short picture dictionary to highlight key words and a pronunciation guide.
Puppy Finds a Friend (I Can Read French) (I Can Read French S.)
by Catherine Bruzzone
A warm humorous story, enchanting colour illustrations and carefully controlled bilingual text with lots of repetition. It also ends with a short picture dictionary to highlight the key words in the new language.
Legends Series: Contes et fables d'Afrique'
Ereignisse, fur die es keine Zeugen (mehr) gibt, mit Hilfe von Indizien zu rekonstruieren, Spuren zu lesen, Geheimnisse aufzudecken - Praktiken wie diese sind im 19. Jahrhundert sowohl innerhalb der fiktionalen Literatur als auch im Kontext natur- und humanwissenschaftlicher Forschung und Theorie weit verbreitet. In der Absicht, eine diskursgeschichtlich fundierte Archaologie des detektivischen Blicks zu entfalten, setzt diese Studie englische und franzoesische Erzahltexte, deren Struktur durch...
Juedische Erinnerungsdiskurse in Der Frankophonen Migrationsliteratur Quebecs (Canadiana, #15)
by Yvonne Voelkl
Generische Syntagmen Im Franzoesischen Und Deutschen (Europaeische Hochschulschriften / European University Studie, #238)
by Stefan Von Frieling
Konfliktdiskurse (Europaeische Hochschulschriften / European University Studie, #276)
by Daniela Schneemann
Stil Ist Ueberall - Aber Wie Bekomme Ich Ihn Zu Fassen? (Stil: Kreativitaet - Variation - Komparation, #1)
A structured course which focuses on grammar and provides complete coverage of topics required for the AQA GCSE French exam. With an emphasis on exam preparation this course provides students with the opportunity to practice and revise what they have learnt. The books for students are graduated and support the full range of abilities. The book contains "primer" sections that cover what has already been done at Key Stage 3, and offer practice on the four main skills. Please note this text book i...
A Systemic Functional Grammar of French provides an accessible introduction to systemic functional linguistics through French. This concise introduction to the systemic functional grammar (SFG) framework provides illustrations throughout that highlight how the framework can be used to analyse authentic language texts. This will be of interest to students in alternative linguistic frameworks who wish to acquire a basic understanding of SFG as well as academics in related areas, such as literar...
Le Comte de Monte Cristo, Tome II (Le Comte de Monte-Cristo, #2)
by Alexandre Dumas
You acquired English naturally. Not through the memorization of long list of vocabulary, not through the tedious chore of learning bare-bones grammar but through actually speaking it. . . If you speak English you can speak French, the natural Berlitz way. Only the Berlitz Self-Teachers guarantee all these special features: · A unique series of specially designed oral exercises · Simple, practical pronunciations-at-a-glance · Exercise to make you think in your new lan...
Analyse, Experience. Cosmopolite, Cosmopolitisme. Democratie, Democrates
by Sylvain Auroux, Barbara Kaltz, Gerd Van Den Heuvel, and Horst Dippel
This book provides comprehensive practice for the Common Entrance French exam paper at 13+. Pupils are presented with exam-style questions for the Reading and Writing sections. All questions are modelled on the style of ISEB exam papers and a varied range of topics has been selected. This is an ideal book for pupils needing extra practice and, together with the answer book, it provides a comprehensive tool to understand expectations and monitor progress. - Endorsed by ISEB - Provides comprehensi...
This audio CD contains authentic French voice recordings to accompany selected exercises in So You Really Want To Learn French Book 3, allowing pupils to become familiar with the spoken anguage as they work through the course. The CD has been designed to meet the needs of pupils preparing for Common Entrance, entrance exams and scholarship, and will give all pupils valuable experience in listening to native French speakers.- Features authentic French voice recordings to allow pupils to become fa...