The Student Edition includes 2 chapters per unit (including literature reading and content reading), embedded assessment, 3 kinds of vocabulary practice, and an 'Apply & Extend' section with academic workshops and end-of-unit assessment. Using a unique embedded assessment plan along with a balanced blend of literature and content readings, Milestones ensures that students are mastering skills and standards before being introduced to new skills and standards. This consistent, research-based appr...
English as an Additional Language
by Liz Haslam, Yvonne Wilkin, and Edith Kellet
English as an Additional Language is packed full of straightforward ideas to help teachers get a grip on good classroom practice and will help teachers:understand language development and its impact upon pupils attainmentuse the latest teaching strategies and interventions to help pupils access the curriculum and enjoy all aspects of school lifeanticipate problems for later-stage pupils and be ready to support their independencekeep up-to-date withthe DfES English as an Additional Language Strat...
The Writing Power series is unlike most other writing textbooks. Rather than focusing on one area of writing, such as fluency, language use, academic writing, or social writing, the series includes all of them to give students practical skills for writing in many different situations. Each book contains four separate parts that concentrate on four important aspects of writing proficiency. The structure is flexible, allowing the teacher to assign work from different sections of the book concurren...
Seit der Antike bezeichnet die Stimme der Frau ein diskursives Spannungsfeld, das von tiefen AEngsten und Leidenschaften gepragt ist. An der Schnittstelle von Koerper und Kultur, von Selbst und Anderem, beschaftigt das Faszinosum der weiblichen Stimme auch die philosophischen, literarischen und psychologischen Theorien des zwanzigsten Jahrhunderts. Die Literatur Englands im achtzehnten Jahrhundert ist von zwei bahnbrechenden Neuerungen gepragt: der Entstehung des Romans und dem Aufstieg der weib...
Die Untersuchung bezieht sich auf die Lyrik der mittleren und spaten Phase. Sie geht der Frage nach, inwieweit Yeats die Negativerfahrung einer Mangelexistenz im produktiven Sinne transformiert. Das mystisch-alchemistische Steigerungsmodell ist geeignet, die uberragende Rolle der Imagination sichtbar zu machen und die Bedeutung weit uber das Esoterische hinausreichender Symbolkreise zu erschliessen. Die Strategie lasst radikale Tendenzen erkennen: Das Produktivpotential von Hass und Gewalt fuhrt...
Longman Diccionario Ingles Basico Mexican Edition Paper (Basico Dictionary)
Specially written for Mexican learners, this dictionary includes every English word you might need, plus 15,000 fully translated examples. In full colour.
Immer wieder totgesagt - doch auch die aufwandigsten special effects koennen den Actionhelden nicht ersetzen. Seine spektakularen Koerperinszenierungen weiss der Actionfilm wie kein anderes Genre zu unerschoepflichen Heldentypologien zu verdichten. Die US-amerikanische Tradition des man of action scheint ungebrochen und bestimmt daruber hinaus die Koerperdebatten der gegenwartigen Gender-Theorien. Mit Prototypen wie Sylvester Stallone und Arnold Schwarzenegger hat Hollywood den action man gar al...
Multilevel Representations of Power in Harold Pinter's Plays
by Alina-Elena Rosca
The study offers an interdisciplinary analysis of Harold Pinter's dramatic discourse and focuses on the way power makes the characters play on the borders of linguistic, spatial, narrative and gender configurations. It examines the experimental nature of Harold Pinter's dramatic technique and how he compromises both the realistic and the absurd dramatic formulae. The study also investigates the narrative of the past - a new dramatic technique in Pinter's Plays, which brings into focus the inner...
Exam Board: MYPLevel: IBSubject: EnglishFirst Teaching: September 2016First Exam: June 2017Has been updated for the revised curriculum from September 2020 Develop your skills to become an inquiring learner; ensure you navigate the MYP framework with confidence using a concept-driven and assessment-focused approach to English presented in global contexts.- Develop conceptual understanding with key MYP concepts and related concepts at the heart of each chapter.- Learn by asking questions with a st...
Longman Science prepares students in grades 6-12 for success in a standards-based science program with a broad overview of life, earth, and physical science. All activities are specifically geared to students in the early stages of English language acquisition, and help build content knowledge, skills, and learning strategies. Special offer: Take advantage of our special offer: get the Longman Science Student Book and Workbook for only $44.95. That's 25% off the regular price of these t...
Youth clubs like the Boys' Brigade became a trend in the UK in the late nineteenth and early twentieth centuries. The Jewish community in the UK began their own clubs to educate and entertain young Jews. These clubs mirrored the examples begun within the Christian community and adapted their models of social control by providing purposeful recreation, religious education and sporting activities to cultivate young minds and bodies. Much primary source material exists on these clubs, including pub...
Gaz and Dave are redundant steelworkers in Sheffield. What can they do to turn their lives around? When a visit by a male-strip group draws a frenzied response from local women, it gives them an idea! This humorous tale also has a serious side in its depiction of the effects of unemployment. The Full Monty is a hit movie starring Robert Carlyle.
This textbook for bilingual educators presents research-based guidelines and examples for implementing quality bilingual education.
Use of Compounds and Archaic Diction in the Works of William Morris (European University Studies, v. 60)
by Linda Gallasch
Die Beitraege zur Festschrift behandeln vornehmlich Themen aus der anglophonen, insbesondere der schottischen Literatur und Kultur. Der bearbeitete Zeitraum erstreckt sich vom 16. bis zum 20. Jahrhundert. Das Interesse der Beitraeger gilt vor allem der Literatur in ihrem soziokulturellen Kontext. Dieser Ansatz muss auch als Wuerdigung der wissenschaftlichen Arbeit von Horst W. Drescher gelten, der in seiner Forschung die Literatur nicht isoliert betrachtet wissen will, sondern sie in ihrem gesch...
Access and Engagement (Topics in Immigrant Education, #4)
by Aida Walqui
Additional practice and extension activities to accompany the Student Edition plus learning checklists and end of-unit reviews, including practice in: Vocabulary Phonics Comprehension Grammar Writing and Spelling Fluency
StartUp is the new general English course for adults and young adults who want to make their way in the world and need English to do it. This innovative eight-level, multi-skills course is a complete language program. It motivates 21st century learners with relevant and media-rich content, and provides teachers with robust support to make teaching personalisable and easy. StartUp is a flexible blended course that includes the Pearson Practice English App that takes learners from the page...
This book offers a new, complex understanding of Indian writing in English by focusing its analysis on both Indo-Pakistani Partition fiction and novels written by women. The author gives a comprehensive outline of Partition novels in India, Pakistan, and Bangladesh written in English as well as an overview of the challenges of studying Partition literature, particularly English translations of Partition novels in regional languages. Featured works include Salman Rushdie's Midnight's Children, Ba...