This step-by-step guide for students for hieroglyphic paleography in supplemented by 165 line drawings and two hundred signs.
The Rosetta Stone and the Rebirth of Ancient Egypt (Wonders of the World)
by John Ray
Berlitz Phrase Book & Dictionary Central & South Africa (Bilingual dictionary) (Berlitz Phrasebooks)
Berlitz Phrasebook and Dictionary Portuguese, Tswana, Shona, Afrikaans, French and Swahili Compact, clear, and packed with key words and phrases to help conversation, this pocket-sized Portuguese, Tswana, Shona, Afrikaans, French and Swahili phrasebook and dictionary from Berlitz's trusted language experts (with free app) is a trusty travel companion, and all you need to make yourself understood - and to understand others - when you're out and about in Central and South Africa.* With its e...
This book uses the uniquely positioned culture of East African Asians to reflect upon the most vexing issues in postcolonial literary studies today. By examining the local histories and discourses that underpin East African Asian literature, it opens up and reflects upon issues of alienation, modernity, migration, diaspora, memory and nationalism.
The Tsenhor Archive has been a long time coming. Since the days of Griffith, scholars have eagerly awaited an edition of this archive from a family of Theban choachytes (undertakers), which presents a rich variety of content matter. It contains seventeen early demotic title deeds documenting various aspects of family law (marriage, inheritance), but also sales of cattle, slaves, and donations of land. All these texts are lavishly published in photography, transcription, transliteration and tr...
Les Complexes De La Demeure Du Sistre Et Du Trone De Re (Orientalia Lovaniensia Analecta, v.106)
by R. Preys
Les complexes de la Demeure du Sistre et du Trone de Re sont situes dans les coins sud-est et sud-ouest du Couloir Mysterieux du Temple de Dendera. L'etude de la decoration des quatre chapelles demontre que chacune d'elle peut exister comme une entite independante, mais que leur fonctionnement s'integre surtout dans un mecanisme plus complexe. Le premier complexe combine Hathor en tant que demiurge dans la Demeure du Sistre. Le second complexe met en scene l'uraeus-Neseret dans le Per-Neser, pro...
The Oriental Institute Hawara Papyri (Oriental Institute Publications, #113)
by George R Hughes and Richard Jasnow
The papyri published here, chiefly in the collection of the Oriental Institute Museum, comprise part of a large family archive from the town of Hawara in the Egyptian Fayum. Written in Demotic and Greek, the documents (annuity contracts, donations, sales, mortgage agreements, loan repayments) are an excellent source of information about the Egypt of the fourth to third century b.c. Professor George R. Hughes had worked on the ten Oriental Institute Hawara papyri for a number of years, but sadly,...
Corporeality in Early Twentieth-Century Latin American Literature (New Directions in Latino American Cultures)
by B. Willis
Featuring canonical Spanish American and Brazilian texts of the 1920s and 30s, Corporeality in Early Twentieth-Century Latin American Literature is an innovative analysis of the body as site of inscription for avant-garde objectives such as originality, subjectivity, and subversion. Guided by close attention to sociohistorical contexts and mythical sources, the study illuminates aspects such as the relationship between synecdoche and the body politic, the corporeal and linguistic effects of imme...
Contributions de W. Mohlig, R. Boyd, Y. Monino, F. Jouannet et G. Guarisma.
Dictionnaire Inverse Du Copte (Cahiers de la Bibliotheque Copte, v.2)
by Bernard Barc and M. O. Strasbach
Monastic Estates in Late Antique and Early Islamic Egypt (American Studies in Papyrology, #46)
by Anne Boud'hors, James Clackson, Catherine Louis, and P. J. Sijpesteijn
Scholars and colleagues of Sarah Clackson honored her memory through a two-day symposium, "The Administration of Monastic Estates in Late Antique and Early Islamic Egypt," held at Christ Church, Oxford, 25-26 September 2004. This rich and varied volume presents the papers given at that symposium plus four additional ones. The foreword presents a complete bibliography for Sarah Clackson and an essay examining her formative role in Coptic Studies up to the time of her premature death. The contribu...
Umusaza n'ingofero ye (JAWS Readers for Kinyarwanda)
by Sarah Murray and Rod Ellis
Part of a series of readers for young African students and consisting of stories from all over Africa, these are picture books for children who have just begun to read for themselves. In this story a man's hat flies away on a windy day and he sets off in pursuit.
Aus Agypten stammt eine FA"lle biographischer Literatur. Trotz intensiver Forschung und eines allgemein wachsenden wissenschaftlichen Interesses an antiken Biographien fehlte bisher eine Darstellung speziell der Biographien der 25. und 26. Dynastie. Das vorliegende Buch versteht sich als ErgAnzung und Fortsetzung des Standardwerks "Die biographischen Inschriften der Agyptischen SpAtzeit" von Eberhard Otto aus dem Jahre 1954. Das Buch stellt in chronologischer Reihenfolge die wichtigsten Biograph...
My Most Beautiful Dream - Min allra vackraste droem (English - Swedish)
by Ulrich Renz
Ecole de Berlin Und "Goldenes Zeitalter" (1882-1914) Der Agyptologie ALS Wissenschaft
by Thomas Gertzen
With stunning new design and layout and the most up-to-date travel information, the market's most indispensable phrasebook has been reinvented, and is better than ever. Gem Afrikaans will give you the right word at the right time - every time. In all of the most common travel situations, you need the reassurance that you can communicate with ease. A reliable, portable and easy-to-use phrasebook is a travel essential, and now with the completely re-designed Collins Gem Afrikaans, the ri...