'The author has specialised in working with adult abuse and the manual is set out in the way she recommends that training be presented. There are chapters on older people, black and minority ethnic people and younger adults, as well as on investigations and case conferences.' - Nursing Standard 'Working with Elder Abuse is a forthright and detailed training manual - the manual is a blend of theory, exercises, and further readings and it is anticipated that it will be used by staff trainers pro...
Ending Ageism, or How Not to Shoot Old People
by Margaret Morganroth Gullette
Set against a panoramic background from England to India and spanning eight decades, this epic family saga follows the courageous and spirited Celia, as she overcomes hardship and tragedy to truly define the human spirit. At nineteen, she shows the courage and spirit that will follow her through her life. Just before her marriage to her beloved Bill Tucker takes place, he is killed in an accident. Celia appeared to have lost her will to live. She was placed in a savage mental institution where s...
by Robert Bradberry, James Travis Goleman Goleman, and Jean Clear