500 Creative Classroom Techniques for Teachers and Trainers
Approach any training challenge with these new, fresh and inspired solutions 500 Creative Classroom Techniques for Teachers and Trainers Marlene Caroselli Make your teaching and their learning fun, fast-paced and functional. This toolkit of 500 tips and techniques is designed for trainers at all levels of experience who enjoy experimenting, discovering and evolving. 500 Creative Classroom Techniques for Teachers and Trainers covers all the important basic, including how to: Have participants int...
Frogs and Toads (Theme Studies)
by Seddon Kelly Beaty and Irene C Fountas
Take two to four kids, give them a basket of books that go together in some way, and then provide time for them to read, think, and talk together about their ideas, their questions, their wonderings. That's the simple recipe for a reading club, and Kathy Collins demonstrates the powerful results in her new book, Reading for Real. She writes, ""The reading clubs I describe are a formal structure providing students with time to read and talk about books with a high level of engagement, purpose, an...
The Teacher's Pocket Guide for Effective Classroom Management
by Timothy P. Knoster
Teachers give the highest marks to this bestselling classroom management guide-and now it's better than ever! Developed by Tim Knoster, a behaviour expert and former teacher whose in-demand workshops have inspired thousands, this new edition is the friendly how-to book educators need to increase desired behaviour in today's K-12 classrooms. The second edition weaves in timely new guidance for teachers implementing multi-tiered systems of support in tandem with positive behaviour interventions an...
Literacy Learning in Networked Classrooms
by Mary L. McNabb, Bonnie B. Thurber, Balazs Dibuz, Pamela A. McDermott, and Carol Ann Lee
Writing Survival Skills for the Middle Grades (Kids' Stuff)
by Imogene Forte and Joy MacKenzie
Composition Book 100sheet/200 Pages 8.5 X 11 In.Wide Ruled Baseball Gloves Light
by Goddess Book Press
Approaching Disparities in School Discipline: Theory, Research, Practice, and Social Change
100 Ideas for Teaching Citizenship (Continuum One Hundreds)
by Ian Davies
The '100 Tips' series gives 100 invaluable and practical ideas for teachers of all levels. Citizenship has recently become a compulsory subject within secondary education. Ian Davies gives teachers 100 practical ideas on how to incorporate citizenship into all aspects of teaching.
Eric Jensen-a leading expert in the translation of brain research into education, argues in Enriching the Brain that we greatly underestimate students' achievement capacity. Drawing from a wide range of neuroscience research as well as related studies, Jensen reveals that the human brain is far more dynamic and malleable than we earlier believed. He offers us a powerful new understanding of how the brain can be "enriched," across the board to maximize learning, memory, behavior and overall funct...
Crowd Control is a nuts-and-bolts manual for teachers of middle and high school performance-based classes such as band, orchestra, and chorus. This practical "how-to" guide shows teachers—pre-serviced or experienced—efficient ways to manage large performance-based classrooms. With wit and sage tried-and-true advice, Haugland provides a complete behavior plan as well as concrete ideas for addressing the National Standards, assessment, advocacy, and ensemble teambuilding. Accessible and indispensa...
Creating a Learner-centred Primary Classroom
by Kath Murdoch and Jeni Wilson
Creating a Learner-centred Primary Classroom is an essential resource to improve teaching practice, examining the key elements that contribute to a learner-centred classroom and offering strategies to encourage children to take a shared role in their learning. Including case studies describing teachers' methods for linking theory to practice, this user-friendly, photocopiable resource demonstrates how to: construct a learning communityencourage collaborative learningshare strategies for enga...