Modern Power Station Practice (British Electricity International)
by F. Beach
This is part of a 12-volume set. Volume D covers electrical systems and equipment, including: electrical system design; transformers; telecommunications; emergency supply equipment; and mechanical plant electrical services. The text is the work of some 50 electrical design specialists in the power engineering field based largely upon the work and experience of GDCD's (Generation Development and Construction Division of the CEGB) Electrical Branch. It describes the design philosophies and techniq...
Each title in this series answers the most frequently asked questions on any particular career area and includes information on qualifications, training, pay and career prospects. This book focuses on public relations.
How to Become a Railway Signaller: The Ultimate Guide to Becoming a Signaller (How2Become)
by Richard McMunn
Royal Air Force Officer Aircrew and Selection Centre Workbook (OASC) (Officer, #1)
by Richard McMunn
Kent Test: Sample Test Questions and Answers for the Kent Grammar School Tests (Testing)
by Marilyn Shepherd
Journeys to Professional Excellence
Includes powerful narratives that cover the challenges and joys related to ethnic identity, dealing with immigrant status and poverty, exploring public policy, challenging the status quo and taking risks. These stories will ignite passion in future psychologists and counselors by helping them reflect on the relationship between their own personal and professional identities.
Practical Problems in Mathematics for Heating and Cooling Technicians
by Russell DeVore
This book should be of interest to those taking vocational technical courses in mathematics.
How to Get a Good Job in a Bad Economy
by Dr Sharon Clay and Janet Mardis
How to Play the Sports Recruiting Game and Get an Athletic Scholarship
by Rodney J McKissic
Career Choice
Vocational Biographies Series X
CMOS (IEEE Press Series on Microelectronic Systems, #16) (IEEE Series on Microelectronic Systems)
by R. Jacob Baker
This work is an important continuation to "CMOS: Circuit Design, Layout, and Simulation". The power of mixed-signal circuit designs, and perhaps the reason they are replacing analog-only designs in the implementation of analog interfaces, comes from the marriage of analog circuits with digital signal processing. This book builds on the fundamental material in the author's previous book, "CMOS: Circuit Design, Layout, and Simulation", to provide a solid textbook and reference for mixed-signal cir...
The latest edition of this compact, concise text helps learners of all ages and backgrounds make the challenging transition to post-secondary education by taking control of their lives and improving their self-belief and self-esteem. A blend of concepts and applications helps readers to discover and develop their emotional, intellectual, physical and social potential. The text involves readers in active learning with self-assessments, activities that apply concepts to their own lives, questions...
Specialty Occupational Outlook
Based on Delmar's Standard Textbook of Electricity, this new text provides the non-electrical trades student with the basic information they need to understand electrical systems. It presents basic electrical theory in a practical approach, rather than a mathematical one. It can be used as a stand-alone or in conjunction with other texts.
IPD Guide on Career Management in Organisations
Computer Science Courses (Complete Guides)