The most effective way to understand what a child knows about the reading process is to take a running record. In Running Records, Mary Shea demonstrates how teachers can use this powerful tool to design lessons that decrease reading difficulties, build on strengths, and stimulate motivation, ensuring that children develop self-sustaining learning strategies. Special Features include: a step-by-step outline for taking efficient running recordsguidance in running record analysis: readers will le...
Digest of Education Statistics 2012
by Thomas D Snyder and Sally a Dillow
Education at a glance 2013
Digest of Education Statistics 2018
The Digest of Education Statistics provides a compilation of statistical information covering the broad field of education from prekindergarten through graduate school. It includes a selection of data from many sources and draws especially on the results and activities carried out by the National Center for Education Statistics (NCES).
Winner of the National Business Book Award From the New York Times bestselling author of The Organized Mind and This Is Your Brain on Music, a primer to the critical thinking that is more necessary now than ever We are bombarded with more information each day than our brains can process—especially in election season. It's raining bad data, half-truths, and even outright lies. New York Times bestselling author Daniel J. Levitin shows how to recognize misleading announcements, statistics, grap...
This book demonstrates how to conduct latent variable modeling (LVM) in R by highlighting the features of each model, their specialized uses, examples, sample code and output, and an interpretation of the results. Each chapter features a detailed example including the analysis of the data using R, the relevant theory, the assumptions underlying the model, and other statistical details to help readers better understand the models and interpret the results. Every R command necessary for conducting...
Fundamentals of Educational Research (Teachers' Library) (The Falmer Press teachers' library, #1)
by Garry Anderson and Nancy Arsenault
Fundamentals of Educational Research succeeds in cutting through the complexities of research to give the novice reader a sound basis to define, develop, and conduct study, while providing insights for even the accomplished reader.This best-selling book is of value to all social researchers, but in particular to upper-level undergraduate and graduate students as well as researchers employed in private industry, management and government agencies. Anderson discusses the research process and offer...
Statistical Power Analysis for the Social and Behavioral Sciences
by Xiaofeng Steven Liu
This is the first book to demonstrate the application of power analysis to the newer more advanced statistical techniques that are increasingly used in the social and behavioral sciences. Both basic and advanced designs are covered. Readers are shown how to apply power analysis to techniques such as hierarchical linear modeling, meta-analysis, and structural equation modeling. Each chapter opens with a review of the statistical procedure and then proceeds to derive the power functions. This is f...
Standards-based School Mathematics Curricula (Studies in Mathematical Thinking and Learning)
The Curriculum and Evaluation Standards for School Mathematics published by the National Council of Teachers of Mathematics in 1989 set forth a broad vision of mathematical content and pedagogy for grades K-12 in the United States. These Standards prompted the development of Standards-based mathematics curricula. What features characterize Standards-based curricula? How well do such curricula work? To answer these questions, the editors invited researchers who had investigated the implementation...
Educational Recommender Systems and Technologies
by Olga C. Santos and Jesus G. Boticario
Educational Recommender Systems and Technologies: Practices and Challenges aims to provide a comprehensive review of state-of-the-art practices for ERS, as well as the challenges to achieve their actual deployment. Discussing such topics as the state-of-the-art of ERS, methodologies to develop ERS, and architectures to support the recommendation process, this book covers researchers interested in recommendation strategies for educational scenarios and in evaluating the impact of recommendations...
Color Atlas of Statistics
by Rehan Zafar Paracha, Suleman Zafar Paracha, and Usman Zafar Paracha
Qualitative Research In Education (Explorations in Ethnography)
Published in the year 1988, Qualitative Research In Education is a valuable contribution to the field of Education.
Protecting Student Records and Facilitating Education Research
This accessible and practical teaching resource focuses on access to the science curriculum for pupils with learning difficulties. Within an inclusive framework of participation and achievement for all, the core of the book provides support and ideas for the effective planning and implementation of well-differentiated science-focused activities. The book offers activities that are designed to motivate and challenge pupils with diverse individual needs; guidance on differentiation in early year...
Dropout Rates in the United States, 1995
by Office Of Educ Resear Education Dept and Marilyn M McMillen