The overall structure of the book is designed to have the reader look at the "big picture" so that the basic statistical concepts connect in a coherent and logical manner. Key terms are defined as they appear and the reader is engaged with diverse examples throughout. Throughout the book the reader is reminded what they need to be able to recall with "You Must Remember This" boxes. A rich source of practical resources are located at the end of chapters beginning with "What You learned" so th...
Daredevil Research (Counterpoints, #21)
Independent Schooling in Post-apartheid South Africa
by Jacques L. Du Toit
A quantitative overview of the current South African independent schooling sector in presented in this study of 410 independent schools that dispels many prevalent myths about the schools. Presumptions that the sector is largely white and elitist are debunked by findings that historically disadvantaged learners currently constitute more than 70% of all learners and that more than 50% of all schools charge low to average fees. However, evidence also emerged of new forms of inequity in independent...
A classic in its field, Research Methods in Education retains the clear, concise writing style and organization that has made the text so popular. It has been updated with a new chapter on evaluating research papers, additional information on computers and software used in research, and a data disk consisting of three data sets that accompanies the text.Research Methods in Education helps students evaluate research literature as well as master research methodology. It emphasizes the rationale fo...
Search and Re-Search (Teachers' Library) (Falmer Press Teachers' Library)
Provides guidance on how to read research and how to conduct research in the classroom. It aims to engender in teachers an awareness of the possibility of research to broaden their outlook of their profession.
Written in an accessible and clear manner, Straightforward Statistics with Excel (R) 2e by Chieh-Chen Bowen helps students across the social and behavioral sciences gradually build their skills to develop a better understanding of the world around them. Each chapter purposefully connects with the previous chapter for a gradual accrual of knowledge from simple to more complex concepts. This effective, cumulative approach to statistics through logical transitions eases students into statistics and...
The Turning Point for the Teaching Profession
by Field Rickards, John Hattie, and Catherine Reid
A revolution is happening in education, with leaders and teachers now asked to focus on learning, to develop collaborative teams to impact on students, to use and raise professional standards, and to identify and esteem expertise in our profession. With new demands relating to technological advances, changing demographics, internationalism, and the inclusion of ‘twenty-first-century skills,’ there is pressure on schools to deliver greater and deeper success with more students. The Turning Poin...
Improving Instruction Through Classroom Research
Dear Math Teacher I Don't Want To Find Your X Anymore And Don't Ask Y
by Mary Jane's School Journals
Graphing Statistical Distributions in Excel - The Excel Statistical Master
by Mark Harmon
Hypothesis Testing in Excel - The Excel Statistical Master
by Mark Harmon
Bayesian Predictive Inference for Some Linear Models under Student-t Errors
by Azizur Rahman
Statistics Made Simple for School Leaders
by Susan Rovezzi Carroll and David J Carroll
The chief executive officer of a corporation is not much different from a public school administrator. While CEOs base many of their decisions on data, for school administrators, this type of research may conjure up miserable memories of searching for information to meet a graduate school requirement. However, the value of data-based decision making will continue to escalate and the school community - students, teachers, parents and the general public - expect this information to come from their...
Best Practices in Teaching Statistics and Research Methods in the Behavioral Sciences
This book provides a showcase for "best practices" in teaching statistics and research methods in two- and four-year colleges and universities. A helpful resource for teaching introductory, intermediate, and advanced statistics and/or methods, the book features coverage of: ways to integrate these courses; how to promote ethical conduct; how to create writing intensive programs; novel tools and activities to get students involved; strategies for teaching online courses and computer applications;...
La Investigacion Educativa En Mexico (Seccion de Obras de Educacion y Pedagogia)
by Pablo Latapi Sarre
Projections of Education Statistics to 2009
by Debra E Gerald and William J Hussar
Data Leadership for K-12 Schools in a Time of Accountability (Advances in Early Childhood and K-12 Education)
The monitoring of data within educational institutions is essential to ensure the success of its students and faculty. By continually analyzing data, educational leaders can increase quality and productivity in their institutions. Data Leadership for K-12 Schools in a Time of Accountability explores techniques and processes of educational data analysis and its application in developing solutions and systems for instructional concerns and next-generation learning. Providing extensive research cov...
Latent Variable Models
This book provides an introduction to a rapidly-growing area in the social and behavioral sciences -- the modeling of systems in which one or more variables are hypothesized, but not directly observed. Providing a conceptually unified treatment of modeling of this type -- exploratory and confirmatory factor analysis, path analysis, and structural equation analysis -- it is intended to introduce these techniques to individuals who have had some exposure to statistical methods in general, but are...
Refining Common Sense
by Vickie Williams Phelps and Elizabeth F. Warren
Designed to help educators collect and use data more effectively, this guide enables the reader to develop three tools to use in decision-making. 1.) A Data Notebook to capture the charts, notes, and agendas created during the process along with goals, questions, and process information. 2.) A Master Data Directory for compiling the data sources that are available in the district and school, and, 3.) The Information-Based Decision-Making Roadmap that contains all the finished documents that have...