Probleme der Sexualitat bei Menschen mit Down Syndrom
by Yvonne Schwerdtner
Americans are increasingly alarmed over our nation's educational deficiencies. Though anxieties about schooling are unending, especially with public institutions, these problems are more complex than institutional failure. Expenditures for education have exploded, and far exceed inflation and the rising costs of health care, but academic achievement remains flat. Many students are unable to graduate from high school, let alone obtain a college degree. And if they do make it to college, they are...
Im Mai 1998 wurde die vorliegende Arbeit von namhaften Gerontologen mit dem Bad Kissinger Parkwohnstift-Preis fur Gerontologie 1998 ausgezeichnet. Langere Lebenserwartungen kennzeichnen die veranderte Altersstruktur. Mehr pflegebedurftige und zu versorgende Menschen ziehen einen wachsenden Bedarf an qualifiziertem Personal nach sich. Kann er befriedigt werden? Die jungste Diskussion um die Heimpersonalverordnung zeigt die Berechtigung dieser Frage genauso wie der immer wieder zu horende Aufschr...
Library Service to Developmentally Disabled Children & Adults
Bei der Studie handelt es sich um eine praxisbezogene deskriptive und explorative Orientierungsforschung zu wertorientierten kulturellen, moralischen, sozialen, erzieherischen und politischen Grundhaltungen und Einstellungen griechischer Jugendlicher im Migrations- und Heimatland. Die Studie tragt der Analyse ausdifferenzierter Handlungsbereiche der erzieherischen Lebenswelt, wie Familie, Bildung, Arbeit, Kultur und Freizeit, sowie der Handlungssituation auf Individual-, Interaktions-, Instituti...
Using 15 case studies, this book highlights the attempts being made by teachers and other professionals to meet the varied needs of pupils in mainstream and special schools. The emphasis is on providing practical examples which illustrate effective intervention strategies for use in particular situations. The case studies explore such diverse areas as disruptive behaviour, dyslexia, child abuse, deafness and epilepsy, as well as discussing the wider issues of personal and social education, disa...
Studierende Mit Behinderungen Und Chronischen Erkrankungen an Universitaten Und Hochschulen
by Edith Staud
All teachers know that there can always be a challenging pupil in any class. This book starts from what is directly observable in class. The disruptive pupil who: continually calls out, rubbishes their own work, bullies and abuses teacher and other pupils, doesn't care and won't engage, can't sit still, provokes and distracts others, can't follow instructions. Marie Delaney goes straight to the heart of the meaning of these issues. She describes how teachers can recognize what 'behavior is commu...
The Path and Maps Handbook
by John W O'Brien, Jack C Pearpoint, and Lynda D Kahn
The Busker's Guide to Participation, Second Edition (The Busker's Guides)
by Philip Waters
"Participation? Of course we do - every Wednesday without fail..."* What is participation?* What's the difference between 'adult-led' and 'child-led' participation?* And do we really need to do it at all? This second edition of The Busker's Guide to Participation sets out to help us understand our values and reasons for undertaking participation with children and young people. It shows us what authentic participation really looks like, helping us to get to grips with the ways we can positively...
Differente Bildungsorte in Systemischer Vernetzung (Erziehungskonzeptionen Und Praxis, #40)
by Gerhard Baltes and Brigitta Eckert
Kooperationsformen zwischen Jugendhilfe und Schule zeichnen sich haufig durch die Erfahrung der Dominanz von Schule und der Subsidiaritat von Jugendhilfe aus. Dieses Problem wird sowohl in der Rekonstruktion des Entwicklungsprozesses eines freien Tragers der ausserschulischen Kinder- und Jugendbildung als auch in der Analyse dessen Kooperation mit einer Modellschule dargestellt. Die Kooperation stosst dabei aus der Perspektive der ausserschulischen Bildungstrager aufgrund der fortbestehenden fun...
Student Behaviour Problems
Verhaltensauffalligkeiten bei gehoerlosen Kindern und Jugendlichen. Grundlegende Begriffe
by Frank Alibegovic
Strategies for Teaching Students with Learning and Behavior Problems
by Candace S. Bos and Sharon R. Vaughn
The latest edition of this bestselling text,Strategies for Teaching Students with Learning and Behavior Problems provides practical, immediately-useful strategies for teaching students, managing professional responsibilities, and collaborating with family and other educators. A practical guide for graduate and undergraduate students, this book is based on current research on the best practices for providing instructional and support services to students with learning and behavior problems in a v...
Implement a more constructive approach to difficult students Lost and Found is a follow-up to Dr. Ross Greene's landmark works, The Explosive Child and Lost at School, providing educators with highly practical, explicit guidance on implementing his Collaborative & Proactive Solutions (CPS) Problem Solving model with behaviorally-challenging students. While the first two books described Dr. Greene's positive, constructive approach and described implementation on a macro level, this useful guide p...
Das Verhalten Von Sonderschullehrern Bei Normverstoessen (Europaeische Hochschulschriften / European University Studie, #254)
by Desiree Linde
Die Konfliktsituationen bei Normverstossen des Schulers - gemeinhin -Disziplinprobleme- genannt - stellen ein die Padagogik immerwahrend beschaftigendes, brennendes Problem dar. Vor dem theoretischen Hintergrund der sozialen Funktion von Schule, der moglichen Erziehungsmittel zur Vermittlung von Normen und der Arten und Ursachen von Normverstossen wird untersucht, welches prophylaktische oder intervenierende Verhalten Lehrer an Schulen fur Lehrnbehinderte kennen und in der Praxis fur brauchbar h...
Progress without Punishment (Special Education S.)
by Anne M Donnellan, Nanette Negri-Shoultz, Lynette L. Fassbender, and Gary W. LaVigna
As learners with special educational, developmental, and behavioral needs are increasingly integrated into the community, it is essential that appropriate and dignified ways of responding to their needs are found. This book advocates and explores the use of alternative, nonaversive intervention procedures, demonstrating through case histories how appropriate methods can yield positive results, even for those with the most challenging behavioral problems. It will be of exceptional value to profes...
Ruth Meese addresses the needs of students with mild to moderate behavioral disorders as well as children who are not identified as special education students, but who experience social and emotional problems. She offers a broad focus on mild to moderate emotional and behavioral disorders and the strategies teachers can choose for working with the child, based on the child's needs, the environment, and the teacher.
Inclusive Education in Primary Schools
by Karen Knamilles, Mary Duffy, Jayne Allan, Louise Hill, and Susie Warden