Guide to Early Childhood Education: Development - Design - Diversity is a textbook of articles and essays exclusively written to provide a resource for educationalists working in the field of Early Childhood Education (ECE), and programmes from around the world. The text has been formally prepared in three significant parts to offer encouraging insights, early learning ideas, classroom environmental changes and pertinent information and internet resources to assist in guiding successful learning...
Final Report: Effective Pre-School Education (EPPE)
by Brenda Taggart, Kathy Sylva, Edward Melhuish, Pam Sammons, and Iram Siraj-Blatchford
My Baby First Words Flash Cards Toddlers Happy Learning Colorful Picture Books in English Italian Telugu
by Auntie Pearhead Club
My Baby First Words Flash Cards Toddlers Happy Learning Colorful Picture Books in English French Albanian
by Auntie Pearhead Club
My Baby First Words Flash Cards Toddlers Happy Learning Colorful Picture Books in English French Afrikaans
by Auntie Pearhead Club
My Baby First Words Flash Cards Toddlers Happy Learning Colorful Picture Books in English German Hungarian
by Auntie Pearhead Club
Legendary Kindergarten Teachers are born in September
by Lovely Hearts Publishing
Story Friends Classroom Kit
by Howard Goldstein and Elizabeth Spencer Kelley
Fun, engaging and effective, Story Friends (TM) is the first research-based Tier 2 language intervention programme for 3- to 5-year-old children at risk for reading difficulties. Through interactive animal-themed storybooks and lively, engaging audio recordings, Story Friends (TM) effectively boosts oral language and vocabulary development - two of the most important predictors of later reading success. With colourful illustrations, rhyming text, interactive story components, and appealing narra...
Religious Education (Primary planning project)
My first Handwriting Practice Workbook Evangeline
by Evangeline Publshing
School to Home Phonics Initial Consonants (School-To-Home Phonics Readers)
by Rozanne Lanczak Williams
Caring for Young Children with Special Needs (Redleaf Quick Guides)
by Cindy Croft
This easy-to-use guide gives you a quick overview on many topics related to working with young children with special needs. Learn about inclusion in early childhood programs and disability law, as well as typical vs. atypical development. The quick guide also covers several specific disabilities/special needs and provides definitions, common characteristics, and practical strategies for adaptation.
Fractured Fairy Tales: Fractions & Decimals (Fractured Math Fairy Tales)
by Dan Greenberg
Winner of the Professional Books category in the 2018 Nursery World Awards.Empathy is an essential part of being human: it allows us to connect with others, which in turn opens doors for us to happiness and success. Though everyone is born with an inherent capacity for empathy, children have the power to grow and re-build their natural supply, and even 'learn' to be more understanding towards others.This pithy and practical guide provides early years professionals with the tools to make empathy...
My Baby First Words Flash Cards Toddlers Happy Learning Colorful Picture Books in English French Hindi
by Auntie Pearhead Club
Help your child prepare for kindergarten, develop confidence with age-appropriate activities, and acquire basic skills. The Get Ready for School books include entertaining and rewarding activities such as completing patterns, matching pairs, identifying sets, matching words or numbers to pictures, connecting the dots, completing mazes, and much more. Ninety-six write-on, wipe off pages allow children to practice skills over and over again. Sixty-four additional activity pages as well as memory g...