STEM21: Equity in Teaching and Learning to Meet Global Challenges of Standards, Engagement and Transformation is designed to contribute to discourses about how STEM teaching and learning can become more equitable, serving the needs of readers across the STEM educational spectrum. STEM21 is meant to problematize the status quo educational practices of STEM stakeholders including preservice and inservice teachers, district leaders, informal educators, policy makers, and the research community. Whi...
"Schoolhouse Politics" tells the story of an experiment in curriculum design that was developed in the 1960s and called "Man: A Course of Study" (MACOS). In an attempt to teach anthropology to ten-year-olds, Jerome Bruner and his colleagues designed an elementary school course that combined fieldwork on the social behaviour of baboons, a film-based enthnographic study of an Eskimo tribe, and "hands-on" classroom materials. MACOS was hailed as an original and exciting way to promote science liter...
Opening Doors (Social Justice Across Contexts in Education, #7)
by Nga-Wing Anjela Wong
In 2014--for the first time--over 50% of those in U.S. public schools are students of color. Furthermore, children of immigrants, the majority of whom are of Asian and Latinx origin, are the fastest-growing population in the U.S. Addressing their needs has become an important issue facing educators, researchers, and policy makers nationwide. More importantly, working-poor and low-income immigrant families of color need support and resources to negotiate and navigate between their home/community...
-... Vielleicht Die Wut, Dass Man So Hilflos Ist - (Studien Zur Sexualpadagogik,, #10)
by Silke Linder
Das Ziel der Untersuchung liegt darin, die subjektiven Einstellungen und Handlungskonzepte von Vorschulerzieherinnen zur Pravention sexuellen Missbrauchs im Kindergarten zu erkunden. In personlichen Gesprachen werden die Gedanken, Gefuhle und spezifischen Problemfelder der Erzieherinnen zu den Themen sexueller Missbrauch und Pravention eruiert und mittels quantitativer und qualitativer Inhaltsanalyse ausgewertet. Hieraus werden insbesondere inhaltliche Schwerpunkte im Rahmen der Erzieherinnenaus...
What does it mean to lead while Black in America? How do Black educators lead for equity to ensure a quality academic experience for Black children when calls for equality are routinely discredited in our post-racial context? Through this book, Floyd Cobb passionately and honestly draws from his personal and professional experiences to describe his path to accepting the harsh realities of being an equity-minded Black leader in K-12 schools. Offered through the performance of autoethnography, Cob...
From the Parade Child to the King of Chaos (Complicated Conversation, #49)
by Hongyu Wang
From the Parade Child to the King of Chaos depicts the pedagogical life history of an extraordinary teacher educator and internationally renowned curriculum scholar, William E. Doll, Jr. It explores how his life experiences have contributed to the formation and transformation of a celebrated teacher educator. From the child who spontaneously led a parade to the king of chaos who embraces complexity in education, complicated tales of Doll's journey through his childhood, youth, and decades of tea...
Self-correcting Learning Materials for the Classroom
by C.D. Mercer and etc.
"Schools of Tomorrow," Schools of Today (History of Schools and Schooling, #8)
The second edition of "Schools of Tomorrow," Schools of Today: Progressive Education in the 21st Century documents a new collection of child-centered progressive schools founded in the first half of the twentieth century and provides histories of some contemporary examples of progressive practices. Part I discusses six progressive schools founded in the first part of the twentieth century (City and Country; Dalton; the Weekday School at Riverside Church; The Laboratory School at the Institute of...
The Nordic PhD
The Nordic PhD: Surviving and Succeeding is an edited book written for prospective and current doctoral students by a mix of doctoral students and those who have recently completed their doctorates. The premise is simple: if you could go back in time and talk with yourself when you began your studies, what advice would you give? Isn't hindsight a bonus? If only I knew then what I know now! The Nordic PhD: Surviving and Succeeding follows editions focused on study in Aotearoa New Zealand, Austral...
Handlungsorientierter Unterricht Im Berufsfeld Elektrotechnik (European University Studies. Series XXIII, #16)
by Karl Gloggler
Bei der empirischen Untersuchung wird der Verlauf einer dreiwochigen Unterrichtseinheit detailliert dargestellt und hinsichtlich der Einlosung von Kennzeichen eines handlungsorientierten Unterrichts beurteilt sowie die durch den Unterricht bewirkte Veranderung des Handlungswissens der Berufsschuler erhoben. Hierzu dienen aus teilnehmenden Beobachtungen gewonnene Protokolle und Videoaufzeichnungen sowie in einem Vor- und Nachtest erhobene Wissenseinheiten, die uber eine inhaltsanalytische Auswert...
Cooperative Learning (Longman English and Humanities)
by Dr. Robert E Slavin
How Stories Heal (Critical Qualitative Research, #11)
by Robert J. Nash and Sydnee Viray
It is time for academics to embrace the fact that nothing is more appealing to readers – especially to our students – than personal stories with meaning-making implications that can touch all lives. No matter the age or stage in life, the personal or collective identity, everyone deals with meaning-making issues that challenge them – and others – throughout their lifetimes. And everyone we know finds that when encouraged to write their stories in the academy, they find meaning, wholeness, and he...
This is an extremely practical reference that gives teachers 100 quick adaptations to differentiate instruction to meet the needs of their students. Teachers are often reluctant to differentiate instruction or include students with disabilities because they simply do not know how to do so. In many cases, they do not know how to adapt a textbook, create a set of guided notes, or provide seating supports. This book aims to demonstrate how easy it is to create such adaptations and how little time a...
Comment Ne Pas Desequilibrer Les Chakras Des Enfants
by Patricia Chaibriant
Social Support Und Kompetenzerwartung Im Alter (Europaeische Hochschulschriften / European University Studie, #700)
by Petra Buchwald
Die Erwartung, Hilfe zu bekommen oder selbst kompetent agieren zu konnen, wirkt sich protektiv auf das psychische Befinden alter Menschen aus. Dies belegen mannigfache gerontologische Studien, ungeklart blieb jedoch die kausale Beziehung von Social Support und Kompetenzerwartung. Hat eine Person je nach ihrer Kompetenzerwartung unterschiedliche Hilfebedurfnisse? Oder ist vielmehr Social Support die Pradiktorvariable fur Kompetenzerwartung? Von grossem Interesse ist zudem nicht nur die kognitive...
Alternative Schools (Contemporary Education Issues (eBook))
by Brenda J Conley
Qualitative Research Methods
by Stephen Ivan Miller and Marcel A. Fredericks
Higher education institutions of all kinds - across the United States and around the world - have rapidly expanded the use of electronic portfolios in a broad range of applications including general education, the major, personal planning, freshman learning communities, advising, assessing, and career planning.Widespread use creates an urgent need to evaluate the implementation and impact of e-portfolios. Using qualitative and quantitative methods, the contributors to this book - all of whom hav...
`The book makes a distinct contribution to the field. The integration of standards and mastery learning is important if standards, once established, are to be achieved by large numbers of students. I think it is timely, well organized, contains real-life examples, and is well written' - Lorin Anderson, Carolina Distinguished Professor of Education, University of South Carolina, Columbia, South Carolina There is a strong connection between the current standards movement and the philosophy of mas...