The Significance of the Transfer Mission for the California Community Colleges
by Steven Lynn Crow
You don't have to be crazy to be a substitute teacher but it helps
by Nova
There is an abundance of research saying that not only is leadership in higher education ineffective but also that it actually undermines the essential work that should be happening in universities. Christopher M. Branson, Maureen Marra, Margaret Franken and Dawn Penney provide a new insight into leadership that has proven to be far more effective for all involved – the transrelational approach to leadership. This new way of leading places an emphasis on the importance of the relationships that...
Encyclopaedia of Ugc Curriculum 12th Plan Guidelines for Colleges and Universities
by B Ramaswamy
Reinventing the Community College Business Model (The Futures Community Colleges) (The Futures Series on Community Colleges)
by Christopher. Shults
Community colleges were established to provide an accessible, affordable education and have largely met this charge. Access without success, however, does not benefit the student and traditional planning, operational and financial management, and infinite enrollment growth strategies have not produced positive student outcomes. The Great Recession, disinvestment in higher education, and increasing costs and competition have further exacerbated the inability to deliver better results. Community c...
Giving higher education professionals the language and tools they need to seize new opportunities in digital learning. A quiet revolution is sweeping across US colleges and universities. As schools rethink how students learn - both inside and outside the classroom - technology is changing not only what should be taught but how best to teach it. From active learning and inclusive pedagogy to online and hybrid courses, traditional institutions are leveraging their fundamental strengths while chal...
How University Budgets Work (Higher Ed Leadership Essentials)
by Dean O. Smith
To understand how universities function, it is critical to understand how their budgets work. In this useful volume, Dean O. Smith provides a concise explanation of university budgets-why they're important, how they are prepared, what information they provide, and how they are monitored.Translating technical jargon into layman's terms, How University Budgets Work emphasizes practical matters and best practices. Writing for a non-specialist audience, Smith covers major aspects of university budge...
Higher Education and Silicon Valley
by W. Richard Scott and Michael W. Kirst
Universities and colleges often operate between two worlds: higher education and economic systems. With a mission rooted in research, teaching, and public service, institutions of higher learning are also economic drivers in their regions, under increasing pressure to provide skilled workers to local companies. It is impossible to understand how current developments are affecting colleges without attending to the changes in both the higher education system and in the economic communities in whic...
Fundraising for Deans (Fundraising Guides for University Leaders, #2)
by James Langley
Composition Book 100 Sheets/200 Pages/8.5 X 11 In. Wide Ruled/ Orange and Purple Seagulls
by Goddess Book Press
Class ends. Students pack up and head back to their dorms. The professor, meanwhile, goes to her car . . . to catch a little sleep, and then eat a cheeseburger in her lap before driving across the city to a different university to teach another, wholly different class. All for a paycheck that, once prep and grading are factored in, barely reaches minimum wage. Welcome to the life of the mind in the gig economy. Over the past few decades, the job of college professor has been utterly transforme...
You Can End of Story Academic Planner 2019-2020 (Motivational Student Planners, #9)
by Pop Academic