Mortal Vision (Creating the North American Landscape (Hardcover))
by Robert Meagher
Jahrbucher Fur Classische Philologie, 1894, Vol. 20 (Classic Reprint)
by Alfred Fleckeisen
Seneca's Thyestes (Society for Classical Studies Textbooks)
Del Fato Nelle Poesie Omeriche: Studio (Classic Reprint)
by Luigi Cerrato
Aristophanis Comdiæ Et Deperditarum Fragmenta (Classic Reprint)
by Aristophanes Aristophanes
Godofredi Hermanni Opuscula, Vol. 7 (Classic Reprint)
by Gottfried Hermann
Homeric Stitchings (Greek Studies: Interdisciplinary Approaches)
by M. D. Usher
Homeric Stitchings is the first extended study of the Homeric Centos, a long pastiche poem on a biblical theme composed by the Theodosian Empress Eudocia using only verses from the Iliad and the Odyssey. Building upon recent work on Homeric poetics, and utilizing linguistic and semiotic methods of analysis, this study introduces readers to the Centos as a sophisticated comparative reading of Homer and the Bible, based upon intertextual associations of ideas, words, and sounds. Homeric Stitchings...
Acts and Texts (Ludus, #8)
For the Middle Ages and Renaissance, meaning and power were created and propagated through public performance. Processions, coronations, speeches, trials, and executions are all types of public performance that were both acts and texts: acts that originated in the texts that gave them their ideological grounding; texts that bring to us today a trace of their actual performance. Literature, as well, was for the pre-modern public a type of performance: throughout the medieval and early modern peri...
Oeuvres de Fénélon, Archevèque de Cambrai, Vol. 3
by Francois De Salignac De Mothe-Fenelon
Die Griechischen Komiker: Eine Beurtheilung der Neuesten Ausgabe Ihrer Fragmente (Classic Reprint)
by Friedrich Heinrich Bothe