The most versatile British designer of the 18th century, William Kent (1685-1748) created a style for a new nation and monarchy. The scope of his achievements encompasses architecture, palatial interiors, elaborate gardens, and exquisite furniture. Among his creative innovations are bold combinations of elements from Palladian, rococo, and gothic design, anticipating the intermingling of architectural styles we see today. William Kent:Designing Georgian Britain is the first comprehensive expl...
Illustrated Catalogue & Price List of Cabinet Hardware and Implements.
2020-2022 Three 3 Year Planner Mermaid Monthly Calendar Gratitude Agenda Schedule Organizer
by Zen Yearly Planner
2020-2022 Three 3 Year Planner Jewish Monthly Calendar Gratitude Agenda Schedule Organizer
by Zen Yearly Planner
Interiors, Fireplaces, & Fvrnitvre of the Italian Renaissance
by Harold Donaldson Eberlein
The Gratitude Habit - A Daily Journal (Habit Journals, #1)
by To Paper Publishing
This book explores the Japanese art of paper cutting through a collection of kirigami decorations and accessories from well-known craft author and expert Florence Temko. Projects include: Flower Garlands, Butterfly Window Picture, Fish Mobile, Serving Bowl and Cherry Blossoms. This is a wonderful book for anyone who enjoys creating with their hands. Great projects to enjoy with friends or family for any occasion.
2020 Kalender Planer Monatlich (Burobedarf 2020, #1)
by Daniel Neustadt