From cool allegory to haughty beauty, images of women have appeared on paper money across the world for almost 200 years. These images are carefully chosen to convey messages appropriate to a particular time and place. Proud Britannias and crowned monarchs, glamour girls and cotton-pickers have all been summoned to proclaim the wealth of a bank, the power of a state or the glory of a nation. The ways in which female figures on mass-produced objects both reflect and reinforce our conflicting perc...
The Van Vleck collection of Japanese woodblock prints is one of the Elvehjem Museum of Art s (now the Chazen Museum of Art) most important collections of more than 3700 prints collected by Van Vleck between 1910 and 1943, including the prints that Frank Lloyd Wright collected in Japan in the 1920s. This copiously illustrated catalog is the culmination of several years of intensive study and documentation, and is the first step in making this impressive collection accessible to museum visitors an...
Intriguing and Authoritative! Filled with fascinating history and an easy-to-use, full-color catalog of issues, the twelfth edition of Confederate States Paper Money will delight and inform every Confederate note collector, from novice to expert. It features: * Full-color images of all major Confederate States currency from the Civil War through Reconstruction. * Authoritative pricing in up to six grades for Confederate state issues. * Complete coverage of Upham and other facsimile notes, as we...
The illustrative print, and its ability, to be multiply reproduced, has long been regarded as extremely important to the history of art, yet there has been no work published on the subject for 80 years. This book covers the critical years of the development of the art of print-making between about 1470 and 1550 in both southern and northern Europe. The authors examine the topic from a variety of different angles, considering for instance the practicalities behind the production of prints, and th...
Black Ice
by David Blackwood, Michael Crummey, Sean Cadigan, Martin Feely, Derek Wilton, and Caoimhe Ni Shulleabhain
Great Ballet Prints of the Romantic Era
Sharaku's Japanese Theatre Prints
by Harold G. Henderson and Louis V LeDoux