Communicating Process Architectures 2002 (Concurrent Systems Engineering, v. 60)
The WoTUG series of conferences are a major forum for the presentation of state-of-the-art ideas on concurrency and communication. This book continues this trend, with these proceedings containing a number of papers that discuss a wide range of issues fundamental to the future of concurrency. This book combines papers from researchers and practitioners from many disciplines. Topics covered include: theory, such as development to Hoare's Communicating Sequential Processes; hardware and real-time...
The 17th International Workshop on Languages and Compilers for High P- formance Computing was hosted by Purdue University in September 2004 on Purdue campus in West Lafayette, Indiana, USA. The workshop is an annual international forum for leading research groups to present their current research activities and the latest results, covering languages, compiler techniques, r- time environments, and compiler-related performance evaluation for parallel and high-performance computing. Eighty-six rese...
High Performance Computing for Computer Graphics and Visualisation
This book contains mainly a selection of papers that were presented at the International Workshop on High Performance Computing/or Computer Graphics and Visualisation, held in Swansea, United Kingdom on 3-4 July 1995. The workshop was sponsored by the HEFCWI Initiative on ·Parallel Computing - Foundations and Applications·, and it has provided the international computer graphics community with a platform for: • assessing and reviewing the impact of the development of high performance computing o...
Parallel Problem Solving from Nature – PPSN XVIII (Lecture Notes in Computer Science, #15150)
This multi-volume LNCS set, LNCS 15148-15151, constitutes the refereed proceedings of the 18th International Conference on Parallel Problem Solving from Nature, PPSN 2024, held in Hagenberg, Austria, in September 2024. The 101 full papers presented in these proceedings were carefully reviewed and selected from 294 submissions. The papers presented in these four volumes are organized in the following topical sections: Part I: Combinatorial Optimization; Genetic Programming; Fitness Landscape Mo...
The constantly increasing demand for more computing power can seem impossible to keep up with. However, multicore processors capable of performing computations in parallel allow computers to tackle ever larger problems in a wide variety of applications. This book provides a comprehensive introduction to parallel computing, discussing theoretical issues such as the fundamentals of concurrent processes, models of parallel and distributed computing, and metrics for evaluating and comparing parallel...
Algorithms & Architectures For Parallel Processing, 4th Intl Conf
ICA3PP 2000 was an important conference that brought together researchers and practitioners from academia, industry and governments to advance the knowledge of parallel and distributed computing. The proceedings constitute a well-defined set of innovative research papers in two broad areas of parallel and distributed computing: (1) architectures, algorithms and networks; (2) systems and applications.
Functions, Objects And Parallelism: Programming In Balinda K
by Chung Kwong Yuen
Despite many years of research and development, parallel programming remains a difficult and specialized task. A simple but general model for parallel processing is still lacking.This book proposes a model that adds parallelism to functions and objects, allowing simple specification of both parallel execution and inter-process communication. Many examples of applying parallel programming are given.
Proceedings of the 1995 International Conference on Parallel Processing
by Constantine Polychronopoulos
This set of technical books contains all the information presented at the 1995 International Conference on Parallel Processing. This conference, held August 14 - 18, featured over 100 lectures from more than 300 contributors, and included three panel sessions and three keynote addresses. The international authorship includes experts from around the globe, from Texas to Tokyo, from Leiden to London. Compiled by faculty at the University of Illinois and sponsored by Penn State University, these Pr...
International Conference on Parallel Architectures and Compilation Techniques
by IEEE Computer Society
This text on parallel architectures and compilation techniques covers such topics as: loop transformations; shared memory design techniques; specialized multiprocessor systems; parallel programming languages; JAVA and multithreading processors; register allocation; and branch and value prediction."
This book constitutes thoroughly refereed post-conference proceedings of the workshops of the 17th International Conference on Parallel Computing, Euro-Par 2011, held in Bordeaux, France, in August 2011. The papers of these 12 workshops CCPI, CGWS, HeteroPar, HiBB, HPCVirt, HPPC, HPSS HPCF, PROPER, CCPI, and VHPC focus on promotion and advancement of all aspects of parallel and distributed computing.
Parallel Problem Solving from Nature - PPSN IX (Lecture Notes in Computer Science, #4193)
We are very pleased to present this LNCS volume, the proceedings of the 9th International Conference on Parallel Problem Solving from Nature (PPSN IX). PPSNisoneofthemostrespectedandhighlyregardedconferenceseriesinevo- tionary computation and natural computing / computation. This biennial event was ?rst held in Dortmund in 1990, and then in Brussels (1992), Jerusalem (1994), Berlin (1996), Amsterdam (1998), Paris (2000), Granada (2002), and Birmingham(2004).PPSNcontinuestobetheconferenceofchoice...
Computation Checkpointing & Migration
by Vipin Chaudhary, Hai Jiang, and John Paul N. Walters
Computational clusters have long provided a mechanism for the acceleration of high performance computing (HPC) applications. With today's supercomputers now exceeding the petaflop scale, however, they are also exhibiting an increase in heterogeneity. Thisheterogeneity spans a range of technologies, from multiple operating systems to hardware accelerators and novel architectures. Because of the exceptional acceleration some of these heterogeneous architectures provide, they are being embraced as...
Head First Android Development (Head First)
by Dawn Griffiths and David Griffiths
What will you learn from this book? If you have an idea for a killer Android app, this book will help you build your first working application in a jiffy. You'll learn hands-on how to structure your app, design interfaces, create a database, make your app work on various smartphones and tablets, and much more. It's like having an experienced Android developer sitting right next to you! All you need is some Java know-how to get started. Why does this book look so different? Based on the latest re...
Addresses innovations in technology relating to the energy efficiency of a wide variety of contemporary computer systems and networks With concerns about global energy consumption at an all-time high, improving computer networks energy efficiency is becoming an increasingly important topic. Large-Scale Distributed Systems and Energy Efficiency: A Holistic View addresses innovations in technology relating to the energy efficiency of a wide variety of contemporary computer systems and networks....
Parallel Database Techniques (Practitioners)
by Mahdi Abdelguerfi and Kam-Fai Wong
Semantics of Systems of Concurrent Processes (Lecture Notes in Computer Science, #469)
This volume contains the proceedings of the 1990 Spring School of Theoretical Computer Science, devoted to the semantics of concurrency. The papers are of two kinds: - surveys and tutorials introducing the subject to novices and students and giving updates of the state of the art, - research papers presenting recent achievements in the semantics of concurrency. The contributions explicate the connections, similarities and differences between various approaches to the semantics of concurrency, su...
Euro-Par '96 - Parallel Processing (Lecture Notes in Computer Science, #1123)
This two-volume set presents the proceedings of the Second International European Conference on Parallel Processing, EuroPar '96, held in Lyon, France, in August 1996. EuroPar '96 was organized in 14 workshops covering the whole spectrum of parallel processing. The comprehensive proceedings constitute a unique record of the state of the art in parallel processing research and development: the 224 papers included together with four invited papers were selected from a total of 383 submissions by a...
CONCUR'97: Concurrency Theory (Lecture Notes in Computer Science, #1243)
This book constitutes the refereed proceedings of the 8th International Conference on Concurrency Theory, CONCUR'97. held in Warsaw, Poland, in July 1997. The 24 revised full papers presented were selected by the program committee for inclusion in the volume from a total of 41 high-quality submissions. The volume covers all current topics in the science of concurrency theory and its applications, such as reactive systems, hybrid systems, model checking, partial orders, state charts, program logi...
Tanmay Teaches Julia for Beginners: A Springboard to Machine Learning for All Ages
by Tanmay Bakshi
Publisher's Note: Products purchased from Third Party sellers are not guaranteed by the publisher for quality, authenticity, or access to any online entitlements included with the product.A quick guide to start writing your own fun and useful Julia apps-no prior experience required!This engaging guide shows, step by step, how to build custom programs using Julia, the open-source, intuitive scripting language. Written by 15-year-old technology phenom Tanmay Bakshi, the book is presented in an acc...
Parallel Computer Architecture (Lecture Notes in Computer Science, v. 732)
Parallel computer architectures are now being used in applications ranging from image analysis to quantum mechanics. However, their use poses serious problems and requires the development of new techniques and tools. This book is a collection of the papers presented at a workshop on major research activity, held at the University of Erlangen-Nurnberg and the Technical University of Munich. The book is divided into five main parts: hardware aspects of multiprocessor systems; the performance of pa...
Create robust and scalable applications along with responsive UI using concurrency and the multi-threading infrastructure in .NET and C# About This Book • Learn to combine your asynchronous operations with Task Parallel Library • Master C#'s asynchronous infrastructure and use asynchronous APIs effectively to achieve optimal responsiveness of the application • An easy-to-follow, example-based guide that helps you to build scalable applications using concurrency in C# Who This Book Is For If...
Get to grips with the advanced concepts of interactive computing to make the most out of IPython About This Book • Most updated book on Interactive computing with IPython 4.0; • Detailed, example-rich guide that lets you use the most advanced level interactive programming with IPython; • Get flexible interactive programming with IPython using this comprehensive guide Who This Book Is For This book is for IPython developers who want to make the most of IPython and perform advanced scientific...
Proceedings 20th International Conference Parallel Processing 1991, Volume II
by Tse-Yun Feng