D3 Data-Driven Documents Pocket Primer (Pocket Primer)
by Oswald Campesato
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Data Mining and Business Intelligence: A Guide to Productivity provides an overview of data mining technology and how it is applied in a business environment. It describes the corresponding data mining methodologies that are used to solve a variety of business problems which enhance firm-level efficiency in a less technical, more managerial style. The book incorporates the data mining process into the spectrum of complementary technologies that together comprise corporate information systems tha...
Data Mining and Statistical Analysis Using SQL
by John Lovett, Jr. and Robert P. Trueblood
This book is not just another theoretical text about statistics or data mining. No, instead it is aimed for database administrators who want to use SQL or bolster their understanding of statistics to support data mining and customer relationship management analytics. Each chapter is self-contained, with examples tailored to real business applications. And each analysis technique will be expressed in a mathematical format for coding as either a database query or a Visual Basic procedure using SQ...
Data Warehousing (The Morgan Kaufmann Series in Data Management Systems)
by Paul Westerman
At 70 terabytes and growing, Wal-Mart's data warehouse is still the world's largest, most ambitious, and arguably most successful commercial database. Written by one of the key figures in its design and construction, Data Warehousing: Using the Wal-Mart Model gives you an insider's view of this enormous project. Continuously drawing from this example, the author teaches you the general principles and specific techniques you need to understand to be a valuable part of your organization's own data...
About This Book Discover the power of Elasticsearch by implementing it in a variety of real-world scenarios such as restaurant and e-commerce search Discover how the features you see in an average Google search can be achieved using Elasticsearch Learn how to not only generate accurate search results, but also improve the quality of searches for relevant results Who This Book Is ForIf you are a data enthusiast and would like to explore and specialize on search technologies based on Elasticsear...
Innovative Psychometric Modeling and Methods (The MARCES Book)
The general theme of this book is to present innovative psychometric modeling and methods. In particular, this book includes research and successful examples of modeling techniques for new data sources from digital assessments, such as eye-tracking data, hint uses, and process data from game-based assessments. In addition, innovative psychometric modeling approaches, such as graphical models, item tree models, network analysis, and cognitive diagnostic models, are included. Chapters 1, 2, 4 and...
This guide and workbook teaches students in a college-level statistics course how to use MYSTAT and also uses data sets that allow them to do "what-if" manipulations. It demonstrates how to use MYSTAT to do statistical data analysis in social and behavioural sciences. The work is not intended for self-teaching, but can be used in research and statistic courses in sociology, psychology and economics. The package must be used with a McGraw-Hill text. The current version of MYSTAT, distributed with...
Sams Teach Yourself ADO.NET in 21 Days (Sams Teach Yourself) (Unleashed)
by Dan Fox
ADO.NET refers to a set of classes that ship with Visual Studio .NET that allow developers to access data typically stored in relational databases. The purpose of this book is to explain the important features of ADO.NET to corporate developers who use VS .NET. Dan Fox also provides architectural guidance and Best Practices for using ADO.NET in corporate applications. Reference Tables sho how members of ADO.NET classes fit into the bigger picture by denoting why or where the method or property i...
Extract valuable insights from data by leveraging various analysis and visualization techniques with this comprehensive guide Purchase of the print or Kindle book includes a free PDF eBook Key Features Gain practical experience in conducting EDA on a single variable of interest in Python Learn the different techniques for analyzing and exploring tabular, time series, and textual data in Python Get well versed in data visualization using leading Python libraries like Matplotlib and seaborn Boo...
Identity Matching ist die Grundlage für die Suche mit und nach Personendaten. Und die betreibt heutzutage die ganze Welt: Banken suchen Geldwäscher in ihren Kundendateien, Polizeibehörden überprüfen Verdächtige mit ihren Registern und Privatpersonen stöbern alte Bekannte im Web auf. Mittels Identity Matching besorgen sich Studenten Fachartikel, Journalisten Nachrichten, Vermieter Bonitätsauskünfte und Verkäufer ihre nächsten Marketing-Opfer. Das Problem bisher ist: Sobald wir den Namen nicht gen...
Game of Colors: Moderne Bewegtbildproduktion (X.Media.Press)
by Eberhard Hasche and Patrick Ingwer
Die Umstellung auf die Digitaltechnik kommt einer Revolution in der Film- und TV-Produktion gleich, für die neue Techniken eingesetzt werden:Scene-linear Color Workflow, digitale Kameratechnik, Digital Compositing, Depth- und Deep-Compositing, Stereo3D, 3D-Modelling und Rendering zur Verwendung in Live-Action-Footage sowie Lidar-unterstütztes Matchmoving und Keying von Greenscreen-Aufnahmen sind Kernthemen dieses Buchs, die zu neuen Workflow-bezogenen Produktionsketten führen.Die Autoren erläute...
Twitter Data Analytics (SpringerBriefs in Computer Science)
by Shamanth Kumar, Fred Morstatter, and Huan Liu
This brief provides methods for harnessing Twitter data to discover solutions to complex inquiries. The brief introduces the process of collecting data through Twitter’s APIs and offers strategies for curating large datasets. The text gives examples of Twitter data with real-world examples, the present challenges and complexities of building visual analytic tools, and the best strategies to address these issues. Examples demonstrate how powerful measures can be computed using various Twitter dat...
DESCRIPTION Geospatial data is hard to ignore. Nearly every car, phone, or camera has a GPS sensor, and aerial photos, satellite imagery, and data representing political boundaries, roads, rivers, and streams are available for free download from many websites. Geoprocessing is the science of reading, analyzing, and presenting geospatial data programmatically. The Python language, along with dozens of open source libraries and tools, makes it possible to take on professional geoprocessing...
Life Science Data Mining (Science, Engineering, And Biology Informatics, #2)
by Chung-sheng Li and Stephen Tin Chi Wong
This timely book identifies and highlights the latest data mining paradigms to analyze, combine, integrate, model and simulate vast amounts of heterogeneous multi-modal, multi-scale data for emerging real-world applications in life science.The cutting-edge topics presented include bio-surveillance, disease outbreak detection, high throughput bioimaging, drug screening, predictive toxicology, biosensors, and the integration of macro-scale bio-surveillance and environmental data with micro-scale b...
Emerging Technologies of Text Mining
by Hercules Antonio do Prado and Edilson Ferneda
'Emerging Technologies of Text Mining' provides the most recent technical information related to the computational models of the TM process.
Astronomical Time Series (Astrophysics and Space Science Library, #218)
ELlA M. LEIBOWITZ Director, Wise Observatory Chair, Scientific Organizing Committee The international symposium on "Astronomical Time Series" was held at the Tel Aviv University campus in Tel Aviv, from December 30 1996 to January 11997. It was organized in order to celebrate the 25th anniversary of the Florence and George Wise Observatory (WO) operated by Tel Aviv University. The site of the 1 meter telescope of the observatory is near the town of Mitzpe-Ramon, some 220 km south of Tel Aviv, at...
"Business Driven Information Systems" story: "Business Driven Information Systems" discusses various business initiatives first and how technology supports those initiatives second. The premise for this unique approach is that business initiatives should drive technology choices. Every discussion first addresses the business needs and then addresses the technology that supports those needs. This text provides the foundation that will enable students to achieve excellence in business, whether the...
Business Driven Information Systems (Int'l Ed)
by Paige Baltzan and Amy Phillips
Business Driven Information Systems, 4e discusses various business initiatives first and how technology supports those initiatives second. The premise for this unique approach is that business initiatives should drive technology choices. Every discussion first addresses the business needs and then addresses the technology that supports those needs. This updated edition provides the foundation that will enable students to achieve excellence in business through its updated case studies, closing ca...
Projektmanagement Am Rande Des Chaos
by Alfred Oswald, Jens Kohler, and Roland Schmitt
Die Autoren zeigen in diesem Buch, dass Komplexitat ein Geschenk ist, das man fur die erfolgreiche Durchfuhrung von Projekten nutzbar machen kann, sei es um Neues zu erschaffen oder auch um Bestehendes zu andern. Dabei ist das Methodenparadigma im Projektmanagement derzeit massiv im Umbruch. Durch Vernetzung einer Vielzahl von Einflussgroen sind Projekte komplexe Gebilde, die mit klassischen Methoden, die auf Ursache-Wirkung-Ansatzen beruhen, nicht bewaltigt werden konnen. Komplexitat und das da...
BASIC-Wegweiser für den Commodore 116, Commodore 16 und Commodore plus/4
by Ekkehard Kaier
Das vorliegende Wegweiser-Buch weist Wege zum erfolgreichen Einsatz des Commodore 116, Commodore 16 und Commodore plus/4. Das Wegweiser-Buch vermittelt aktuelles Grundlagenwissen zur Datenver arbeitung bzw. Informatik: -Was ist Hardware, Software und Firmware? - Was sind Großcomputer und Mikrocomputer? - Was sind Datenstrukturen und Programmstrukturen? -Was sind Betriebssysteme und Anwenderprogramme? -Was heißt ,fertige Programm-Pakete einsetzen'? - Was beinhaltet das eigene Programmieren? Nach...