SciPy Recipes
by V Kishore Ayyadevara, Luiz Felipe Martins, and Ruben Oliva Ramos
Tackle the most sophisticated problems associated with scientific computing and data manipulation using SciPy Key Features Covers a wide range of data science tasks using SciPy, NumPy, pandas, and matplotlib Effective recipes on advanced scientific computations, statistics, data wrangling, data visualization, and more A must-have book if you're looking to solve your data-related problems using SciPy, on-the-go Book Description With the SciPy Stack, you get the power to effectively process, man...
Leverage the analytical power of SAS to perform financial analysis efficientlyKey FeaturesLeverage the power of SAS to analyze financial data with easeFind hidden patterns in your data, predict future trends, and optimize risk managementLearn why leading banks and financial institutions rely on SAS for financial analysisBook DescriptionSAS is a groundbreaking tool for advanced predictive and statistical analytics used by top banks and financial corporations to establish insights from their finan...
Each chapter of the book quickly introduces a key 'theme' of Data Analysis, before immersing you in the practical aspects of each theme. You'll learn quickly how to perform all aspects of Data Analysis.Practical Data Analysis is a book ideal for home and small business users who want to slice &dice the data they have on hand with minimum hassle.
Molecular Description of Biological Membrane Components by Computer Aided Conformational Analysis, Volume II
by Robert Brasseur
The goal of these two volumes is to help fill the gap between theory and experiment in membrane science. This is the only work available today which covers the domain of computer-aided conformational analyses of membranes. Written in a detailed, yet comprehensive manner, this book uses the semi-empirical approach as a way to give a molecular description of the membrane structure in organized systems. This interesting work establishes the validity and quality of the prediction by making a p...
The Power of Stata Graphics at Your Fingertips Whether you are new to Stata graphics or a seasoned veteran, this book teaches you how to use Stata to make high-quality graphs that stand out and enhance statistical results. With over 900 illustrated examples and quick-reference tabs, it offers a guide to creating and customizing graphs for any type of statistical data using either Stata commands or the Graph Editor. The author displays each graph example in full color with simple and clear ins...
Sixth National Adult Cardiac Surgical Database Report
by Ben Bridgewater, Bruce Keogh, Robin Kinsman, and Peter K. H. Walton
The British Association of Endocrine Surgeons
by David Scott-Coombes, Robin Kinsman, and Peter K. H. Walton
Dashboard Design (River Publishers Series in Mathematical, Statistical and Computational Modelling for Engineering)
by Michael Burch and Marco Schmid
Interactive visualization and visual analytics tools have been designed and developed in the past and will be developed in the future as well. In each application domain in which data is measured, generated, and recorded we see a potential candidate for an interactive visualization tool with the goal to find insights and knowledge in the data. This knowledge can be found either visually by humans’ interventions or algorithmically by the machine, in the best case by applying both concepts in comb...
Cybersecurity needs a change in communication. It is time to show the world that cybersecurity is an exciting and diverse field to work in. Cybersecurity is not only about hackers and technical gobbledygook. It is a diverse field of work with a lot of collaboration with other disciplines. Over the years, security professionals have tried different awareness strategies to promote their work and to improve the knowledge of their audience but without much success. Communication problems are holding...
BioInformatics: A Computing Perspective
by Shuba Gopal, Anne Haake, Rhys Price Jones, and Paul Tymann
This book is written by a very experienced author team representing the many areas out of which the new discipline of Bioinformatics is emerging. Their common sense approach and carefully detailed presentation have positioned Bioinformatics: A Computing Perspective on the front lines for defining how the college Bioinformatics course will ultimately be taught. Bioinformatics: A Computing Approach is to make students conversant with key concepts in the biological sciences and knowledgeable about...
Anyone who interacts with today's modern databases needs to know SQL (Structured Query Language), the standard language for generating, manipulating, and retrieving database information. In recent years, the dramatic rise in the popularity of relational databases and multi-user databases has fueled a healthy demand for application developers and others who can write SQL code efficiently and correctly. If you're new to databases, or need a SQL refresher, "Learning SQL on SQL Server 2005" is an id...
by A.C. Lloyd, F.E. Winger, R.P. Poland, R.N. Hanson, and A.D Rossetti
Information spielt heute im Wirtschaftsgeschehen eine überragende Rolle. Die Bedeutung der Information und des gesamten Umgangs mit Information schlägt sich auch im Ausbildungsbereich nieder. Das Studium der Prozesse und Maßnahmen zur effizienten Gewinnung und Nutzung von Information und zur Gestaltung effizienter Informationsverarbeitung ist für Studenten unverzichtbar. Dieses Lehrbuch vermittelt Wirtschaftswissenschaftlern systematisch die wesentlichen Kenntnisse für das Verständnis des Zusamm...
Neuronale Netze in der wirtschaftswissenschaftlichen Prognose und Modellgenerierung (Wirtschaftswissenschaftliche Beitrage, #192)
by Carsten Lange
Der vorliegende Band beschreibt sowohl die theoretischen als auch die empirischen Aspekte neuronaler Netze. Nach einer detaillierten, auch für Einsteiger geeigneten Einführung in die Funktionsweise neuronaler Netze, richtet sich der zweite Teil des Buches an Forscher, die ein neuronales Netz als Erwartungsbildungsmodul oder als Optimierungsmodul in volkswirtschaftliche Modelle integrieren wollen. Im dritten Teil des Buches schließlich wird am Beispiel der Geldnachfrage dargestellt, wie neuronale...
This introduction to concurrent programming concentrates on the practical aspects of real-time software, addressing potential problems, and offering practical solutions to them. Presents a complete design for a cost-efficient working system, and outlines the underlying principles of each step in the system. Discusses the fundamentals of structured programming and modularity, how to implement a typical operating system, and fully describes a simple operating system embodying the principles given...
Fuzzy Modeling and Genetic Algorithms for Data Mining and Exploration (The Morgan Kaufmann Series in Data Management Systems) ()
by Earl Cox
Fuzzy Modeling and Genetic Algorithms for Data Mining and Exploration is a handbook for analysts, engineers, and managers involved in developing data mining models in business and government. As you'll discover, fuzzy systems are extraordinarily valuable tools for representing and manipulating all kinds of data, and genetic algorithms and evolutionary programming techniques drawn from biology provide the most effective means for designing and tuning these systems. You don't need a background i...
Parallel and Distributed Simulation Systems (Wiley Series on Parallel and Distributed Computing, #7)
by Richard M Fujimoto
A state-of-the-art guide for the implementation of distributed simulation technology. The rapid expansion of the Internet and commodity parallel computers has made parallel and distributed simulation (PADS) a hot technology indeed. Applications abound not only in the analysis of complex systems such as transportation or the next-generation Internet, but also in computer-generated virtual worlds for military and professional training, interactive computer games, and the entertainment industry....
Data Analytics & Visualization All-in-One For Dummies
by Jack A. Hyman