Trust in Social Media (Synthesis Lectures on Information Security, Privacy & Trust)
by Jiliang Tang and Huan Liu
Social media greatly enables people to participate in online activities and shatters the barrier for online users to create and share information at any place at any time. However, the explosion of user-generated content poses novel challenges for online users to find relevant information, or, in other words, exacerbates the information overload problem. On the other hand, the quality of user-generated content can vary dramatically from excellence to abuse or spam, resulting in a problem of info...
Through information theory, problems of communication and compression can be precisely modeled, formulated, and analyzed, and this information can be transformed by means of algorithms. Also, learning can be viewed as compression with side information. Aimed at students and researchers, this book addresses data compression and redundancy within existing methods and central topics in theoretical data compression, demonstrating how to use tools from analytic combinatorics to discover and analyze p...
An explanation of the five pillars or battlefields of Cybersecurity and how a Zero Trust approach can change the advantage on each battlefield. Deep dive into each of five battlefields where we have a decided disadvantage due to constitutional structure and moral behavioural guidelines and examples of how we got here, and what we can do about it, and moreover why we got here and how we can avoid those traps in the future. A unique viewpoint that has never been explored – five battlefields includ...
Assess your readiness for the CISSP Exam—and quickly identify where you need to focus and practice. This practical, streamlined guide provides objective overviews, exam tips, "need-to-know" checklists, review questions, and a list of valuable resources—all designed to help evaluate and reinforce your preparation. Bolster your exam prep with a Rapid Review of these objectives: Information Security Governance and Risk Management Access Control Cryptography Physical (Environmental) Security Se...
Securing Mobile Devices and Technology
by Kutub Thakur and Al-Sakib Khan Pathan
This book describes the detailed concepts of mobile security. The first two chapters provide a deeper perspective on communication networks, while the rest of the book focuses on different aspects of mobile security, wireless networks, and cellular networks. This book also explores issues of mobiles, IoT (Internet of Things) devices for shopping and password management, and threats related to these devices. A few chapters are fully dedicated to the cellular technology wireless network. The manag...
Learn to Use the Right Cryptography Library Everytime! No longer is it an option for software to include cryptography; everyone from office suites to accounting software and eCommerce Web sites use it. So today's developers have to know how to write software that includes cryptographic functionality. Although they are usually familiar with the basics of cryptography, they are not always familiar enough with the available products to select the right API/library and get up and running with it qui...
The Auditor's Guide to Blockchain Technology (Internal Audit and IT Audit)
by Shaun Aghili
The 21st century has been the host to a number of information systems technologies in the area of science, automotive, aviation, and supply chain, among others. But perhaps one of its most disruptive is Blockchain technology whose origin dates to only 2008, when an individual (or perhaps a group of individuals) using the pseudonym Satoshi Nakamoto published a whitepaper entitled Bitcoin: A peer-to-peer electronic cash system in an attempt to address the threat of "double-spending" in digital cur...
Since the introduction and proliferation of the Internet, problems involved with maintaining cybersecurity has grown exponentially, and have evolved into many forms of exploitation. Yet, Cybersecurity has had far too little study and research. Virtually all of the Research that has taken place in cybersecurity over many years, has been done by those with computer science, electrical engineering, and mathematics backgrounds. However, many cybersecurity researchers have come to realize that to...
Dieses Lehrbuch bietet eine fundierte Einfuhrung in die grundlegenden Begriffe und Methoden der Informatik. Die Autoren stellen dabei die Prinzipien der System-Modellierung und der Entwicklung von Software in den Mittelpunkt der Darstellung. Der hier vorliegende Band vermittelt die wesentlichen Grundbegriffe und theoretischen Grundlagen der Informatik, wie z.B. Algebren, Relationen, elementare Logik, funktionales Programmieren, abstrakte Datentypen. Die vierte Auflage des bewahrten Lehrbuches i...
Pseudorandomness and Cryptographic Applications (Princeton Computer Science Notes, #1)
by Michael Luby
A pseudorandom generator is an easy-to-compute function that stretches a short random string into a much longer string that "looks" just like a random string to any efficient adversary. One immediate application of a pseudorandom generator is the construction of a private key cryptosystem that is secure against chosen plaintext attack. There do not seem to be natural examples of functions that are pseudorandom generators. On the other hand, there do seem to be a variety of natural examples of an...
Organizations of all sizes struggle to secure their data in a constantly evolving digital landscape. Expanding digital footprints and the rapid expansion of cloud strategies arising from the COVID-19 pandemic increase an organization’s attack surface. When combined with limited resources caused by the cybersecurity skills gap, securing small and mid-sized business IT infrastructures becomes more complicated. With limited staffing and budgetary restrictions, small businesses need to create cost-e...
Als im Jahre 1940 ein schwedischer Mathematiker die Verschlusselung fur die deutsche strategische Militarkommunikation knackte, war dies eine der groessten Errungenschaften in der Geschichte der Kryptologie. Die fachlich prazise Geschichte dieses Ereignisses kann mit allen Bestandteilen eines klassischen Thrillers aufwarten: Eine verzweifelte Kriegssituation, ein launischer, heimlich tuender und gleichzeitig genialer Mathematiker mit einer besonderen Begabung fur die Kryptologie, und eine atembe...
Digital Identity and Access Management: Technologies and Frameworks explores important and emerging advancements in DIAM systems. The book helps researchers and practitioners in digital identity management to generate innovative answers to an assortment of problems, as system managers are faced with major organizational, economic and market changes and are also expected to increase reach and ease of access to users across cyberspace while guaranteeing the reliability and privacy of highly sensit...
Protection of Private Data (HC, Session 2007-08, 154)
Kinder und Jugendliche bewegen sich heutzutage wie selbstverst?ndlich im Internet - sei es mit dem Computer oder dem Smartphone. Dies ist auch durchaus unterst?tzenswert, da sie von zahlreichen Informations-, Kommunikations- und Unterhaltungsangeboten profitieren k?nnen. Die Vielzahl der M?glichkeiten bringt allerdings auch einige Gefahren mit sich - dieses Buch zeigt Ihnen, wie Sie Ihr Kind sicher davor sch?tzen. Sie erfahren, wie Sie den Computer oder das Smartphone kindersicher einrichten,...
Practical Internet Security (Lecture Notes in Physics, #136)
by John R. Vacca
Reveals how the internet is paving the way for secure communications within organizations and on the public internet. This book provides the fundamental knowledge needed to analyze risks to a system and to implement a security policy that protects information assets from potential intrusion, damage, or theft. It also provides real-life scenarios.
Electronic Postage Systems (Advances in Information Security, #26)
by Gerrit Bleumer
As postal liberalization gains momentum, traditional postage meter markets are being transformed into digital meter markets for enterprise mailers. Modern technologies such as cryptography, digital signatures, hardware security devices, the Internet, 2D bar codes, and high-speed scanning equipment have come together to establish different flavors of electronic postage, addressing the needs of postal operators, private carriers and mailers. Electronic Postage Systems: Technology, Security, Econo...
Hacking Exposed Linux (Hacking Exposed)
by Brian Hatch, James Lee, and George Kurtz
Completely updated and revised to cover the latest Linux security vulnerabilities and tools, this book provides details about brand-new Linux attacks, counter measures and case studies.
Security Architecture: Design, Deployment and Operations
by Christopher King, Curtis Dalton, and Ertam Osmanoglu
New from the official RSA Press, this expert resource explains how to design and deploy security successfully across your enterprise--and keep unauthorized users out of your network. You'll get full coverage of VPNs and intrusion detection systems, plus real-world case studies.
Digital Watermarking for Digital Media
Digital Watermarking for Digital Media discusses the new aspects of digital watermarking in a worldwide context. Approached not only from the technical side, but the business and legal sides as well, this book discusses digital watermarking as it relates to many areas of digital media. Broad in its approach, Digital Watermarking for Digital Media provides a comprehensive overview not provided by any texts. Students in information technology, law, multimedia design, and economics will all find va...
Electronic Safety and Soundness
Integer Algorithms In Cryptology And Information Assurance
by Boris S Verkhovsky
Integer Algorithms in Cryptology and Information Assurance is a collection of the author's own innovative approaches in algorithms and protocols for secret and reliable communication. It concentrates on the “what” and “how” behind implementing the proposed cryptographic algorithms rather than on formal proofs of “why” these algorithms work.The book consists of five parts (in 28 chapters) and describes the author's research results in:This text contains innovative cryptographic algorithms; comput...