DVD for Zimmerman/Zimmerman's New Perspectives on Microsoft Office PowerPoint 2007, Comprehensive, Premium Video Edition
by Beverly B Zimmerman and S Scott Zimmerman
Infosource: Powerpoint 7 Intermediate Additional User Site Licence
Learning Microsoft Office PowerPoint 2010, Student Edition
by Chris Katsaropolous, Katherine Murray, Christy Parish, and Faithe Wempen
Prepare students for Microsoft (R) Office PowerPoint 2010! Learning Microsoft PowerPoint 2010 features a student-friendly, step-by-step format with clear, full-screen shots to engage students and help them work independently.
Go! with Microsoft PowerPoint 2013 Comprehensive; Mylab It with Pearson Etext -- Access Card -- For Go! with Office 2013
by Shelley Gaskin, Alicia Vargas, and Carolyn McLellan
ECDL/ICDL Syllabus 4 Module 6 Presentations Using PowerPoint 97 (ECDL S.)
"Microsoft" PowerPoint 2000 Complete Tutorial
by Bill Pasewark and Catherine H Skintik
This comprehensive text provides a complete solution for thorough--and Microsoft certified--training on Microsoft PowerPoint 2000.
Powerpoint 2000 (Mastering today's software)
by Edward G Martin and Charles S. Parker
Ed Martin and Charles Parker developed the Mastering Today's Software (MTS) series to introduce today's students to the basics of software applications as well as to show how they can successfully be applied at home, school or in the business world.
A fully updated guide to creating dynamic presentations with PowerPoint 2010 PowerPoint dominates the presentation landscape. With the changes in PowerPoint 2010, including the availability of an online version, PowerPoint users need this comprehensive reference to make the most of the program. PowerPoint 2010 All-in-One For Dummies features in-depth coverage of the elements and the process involved in creating knockout presentations. Seven minibooks cover all the new 2010 features, providing...
Are you stuck at your screen with nowhere to turn?Can't find the answer to a simple question? Quick Fix will provide all the shortcuts and tricks your computer won't give you... and help you out of that tricky situation. All the answers to questions that everyone asks about Microsoft Powerpoint (for Windows XP). From creating and formatting slides to handouts and designing web presentation, you'll find instant answers within these pages.
CLAIT Advanced 2006 Unit 5 Professional E-Presentation Using Powerpoint 2013
Advanced Open Learning Guide for PowerPoint 2013
Become an expert in meetings, screen share, audio, video, and AI in Zoom by learning advanced techniques and gaining insights from Zoom expert, Patrick Kelley Key Features Explore features such as webinars, attendee engagement techniques, analytics, and reporting Leverage AI to increase effectiveness as a meeting organizer, presenter, and attendee Discover advanced content and collaboration tips and tricks to create presentations that are engaging to the audience Purchase of the print or Kind...
E-Course Microsoft Powerpoint 7
by June Jamrich Parsons, Dan Oja, and William Baker
MOS PowerPoint 2003
PowerPoint 2003 Straight to the Point
Blackboard for Skills for Success with Microsoft PowerPoint 2010, Comprehensive
by Kris Townsend and Stephanie Murre-Wolf