Statistische Tests Mit Excel Leicht Erklart
by Wolf-Gert Matth Us and Wolf-Gert Matthaus
An essential library of basic commands you can copy and paste into R The powerful and open-source statistical programming language R is rapidly growing in popularity, but it requires that you type in commands at the keyboard rather than use a mouse, so you have to learn the language of R. But there is a shortcut, and that's where this unique book comes in. A companion book to Visualize This: The FlowingData Guide to Design, Visualization, and Statistics, this practical reference is a library of...
Engineering Applications of MATLAB 5 and SIMULINK 3
by Mohand Mokhtari and Michel Marie
Written in two parts, the first revises the ideas and theoretical bases necessary for a good understanding of the techniques used in the second, which deals with applications of MATLAB(R) and SIMULINK(R) in process control and digital signal processing. Each application is treated through various techniques including the classical methods of automation and of deterministic and random digital processing using fuzzy logic and neural networks. The preceding mathematical study of the physical proces...
This book brings together two major trends: data science and blockchains. It is one of the first books to systematically cover the analytics aspects of blockchains, with the goal of linking traditional data mining research communities with novel data sources. Data science and big data technologies can be considered cornerstones of the data-driven digital transformation of organizations and society. The concept of blockchain is predicted to enable and spark transformation on par with that associa...
Linear Algebra for Engineers and Scientists Using Matlab: (International Edition) with Maple 10 VP
by Kenneth Hardy and Mathematics
Linear Algebra for Engineers and Scientists Using Matlab(r): International Edition, 1/e For a one-semester introductory course. Although the text has been developed in the context of engineering and physical science, it is also suitable for computer science students, math majors, and other quantitative fields. The most carefully written and clearest written text in linear algebra, motivates students in applied areas by placing linear algebra in context through current applications, anecdotes a...
Practical LaTeX covers the material that is needed for everyday LaTeX documents. This accessible manual is friendly, easy to read, and is designed to be as portable as LaTeX itself.A short chapter, Mission Impossible, introduces LaTeX documents and presentations. Read these 30 pages; you then should be able to compose your own work in LaTeX. The remainder of the book delves deeper into the topics outlined in Mission Impossible while avoiding technical subjects. Chapters on presentations and ill...
th Thisvolumecontainsaselectionofthebestcontributionsdeliveredatthe6 - ternational Meeting on Computational Intelligence Methods for Bioinformatics andBiostatistics(CIBB2009)heldatOratorioSanFilippoNeriinGenoa(Italy) during October 15-17, 2009. TheCIBBmeetingseriesisorganizedbytheSpecialInterestGrouponBio- formatics of the International Neural Network Society (INNS) to provide a - rum open to researchers from di?erent disciplines to present and discuss pr- lems concerning computational technique...
An excursion into Markov chains (La Matematica per il 3+2) (UNITEXT)
by Marco Ferrante and Xavier Bardina
This textbook will present, in a rigorous way, the basic theory of the discrete-time and the continuous-time Markov chains, along with many examples and solved problems. For both the topics a simple model, the Random Walk and the Poisson Process respectively, will be used to anticipate and illustrate the most interesting concepts rigorously defined in the following sections. A great attention will be paid to the applications of the theory of the Markov chains and many classical as well as new re...
This book describes Python3 programming resources for implementing decision aiding algorithms in the context of a bipolar-valued outranking approach. These computing resources, made available under the name Digraph3, are useful in the field of Algorithmic Decision Theory and more specifically in outranking-based Multiple-Criteria Decision Aiding (MCDA). The first part of the book presents a set of tutorials introducing the Digraph3 collection of Python3 modules and its main objects, such as bip...
This package consists of the textbook plus MATLAB & Simulink Student Version 2010aThis book provides a complete course for first-year engineering mathematics. Whichever field of engineering you are studying, you will be most likely to require knowledge of the mathematics presented in this textbook. Taking a thorough approach, the authors put the concepts into an engineering context, so you can understand the relevance of mathematical techniques presented and gain a fuller appreciation of how to...
Computer Simulations with Mathematica (TELOS - The Electronic Library of Science)
by Richard J. Gaylord and Paul R. Wellin
This book/CD-ROM package uses the Mathematica programming language to demonstrate the use of computer simulation as a research tool in all of the sciences, providing materials for students and professionals in such fields as physics, biology, chemistry, ecology, materials science and urban planning. The use of MathLink and C programs allow readers to run the most time and memory intensive algorithms through a C-compiler on a local machine. Only a minimal background in Mathematica programming is...
This handbook is selective in its coverage in order to emphasize hands-on, practical skills and knowledge. The author provides theoretical background only when needed to encourage an intelligent use of statistics and experimental design. Thus, the book is neither theory-driven nor superficial. With this short, succinct text, students can quickly read a chapter before doing the lab and grasp the necessary statistical principles before starting their data analysis. The presentation is driven by fo...
Degrees of Belief (Synthese Library, #342) (Synthese Library (Paperback), #342)
This book has grown out of a conference on "Degrees of Belief" that was held at the University of Konstanz in July 2004, organised by Luc Bovens, Wolfgang Spohn, and the editors. The event was supported by the German Research Fo- dation (DFG), the Philosophy, Probability, and Modeling (PPM) Group, and the CenterforJuniorResearchFellows(since2008:Zukunftskolleg)attheUniversityof Konstanz. The PPM Group itself - of which the editors were members at the time - was sponsored by a So a Kovalevskaja A...
A central theme in the study of dynamic systems is the modelling and control of uncertain systems. While 'uncertainty' has long been a strong motivating factor behind many techniques developed in the modelling, control, statistics and mathematics communities, the past decade, in particular, has witnessed remarkable progress in this area with the emergence of a number of powerful newmethodsforbothmodellingandcontrollinguncertaindynamicsystems. The speci?c objective of this book is to describe and...
IBM (R) SPSS (R) Statistics Student Version 18.0 for Windows and Mac OS X - VALUEPACK
by Inc. SPSS
The adoption of multilayer analysis techniques is rapidly expanding across all areas of knowledge, from social sciences (the first facing the complexity of such structures, decades ago) to computer science, from biology to engineering. However, until now, no book has dealt exclusively with the analysis and visualization of multilayer networks. Multilayer Networks: Analysis and Visualization provides a guided introduction to one of the most complete computational frameworks, named muxViz, with in...
Randomness and Elements of Decision Theory Applied to Signals
by Monica Borda, Romulus Terebes, Raul Malutan, Ioana Ilea, Mihaela Cislariu, Andreia Miclea, and Barburiceanu Stefania
This book offers an overview on the main modern important topics in random variables, random processes, and decision theory for solving real-world problems. After an introduction to concepts of statistics and signals, the book introduces many essential applications to signal processing like denoising, texture classification, histogram equalization, deep learning, or feature extraction. The book uses MATLAB algorithms to demonstrate the implementation of the theory to real systems. This makes th...
Spss. Tecnicas Descriptivas de Analisis de Datos
by Antonio Martinez
Engineering Computations and Modeling in MATLAB/Simulink
by Oleg A. Yakimenko
Engineering Computations and Modeling in MATLAB(R)/Simulink(R) provides a broad overview of The MathWorks' MATLAB(R)/Simulink(R)/GUIDE development and modeling environment. This textbook shows how to use these software tools effectively in a variety of engineering applications, including modeling real-world dynamic systems. Concepts Discussed: Major concepts of MATLAB(R), Symbolic Math ToolboxA', Simulink(R), and GUIDE * Development of effective foolproof M-file scripts and functions * Use o...
Engineering Computations and Modeling in MATLAB®/Simulink®
by Oleg A. Yakimenko
Engineering Computations and Modeling in MATLAB®/Simulink®, Second Edition provides a broad overview of The MathWorks’ MATLAB®/Simulink®/GUIDE/App Designer development and modeling environment. This textbook shows how to use these software tools effectively in a variety of engineering applications, including modeling real-world dynamic systems. This book is used as a textbook by undergraduate and graduate students taking both introductory and advanced courses in applied programming, and also as...
Sets, Logic and Maths for Computing (Undergraduate Topics in Computer Science)
by David Makinson
This book equips the student with essential intellectual tools that are needed from the very beginning of university studies in computing. These consist of abilities and skills - to pass from a concrete problem to an abstract representation, reason with the abstract structure coherently and usefully, and return with booty to the specific situation. The most basic and useful concepts needed come from the worlds of sets (with also their employment as relations and functions), structures (notably t...