Design, simulate, and program interactive robots Key Features Design, simulate, build, and program an interactive autonomous mobile robot Leverage the power of ROS, Gazebo, and Python to enhance your robotic skills A hands-on guide to creating an autonomous mobile robot with the help of ROS and PythonBook DescriptionRobot Operating System (ROS) is one of the most popular robotics software frameworks in research and industry. It has various features for implement different capabilities in a rob...
The present textbook contains the recordsof a two-semester course on que- ing theory, including an introduction to matrix-analytic methods. This course comprises four hours oflectures and two hours of exercises per week andhas been taughtattheUniversity of Trier, Germany, for about ten years in - quence. The course is directed to last year undergraduate and?rst year gr- uate students of applied probability and computer science, who have already completed an introduction to probability theory. It...
Samsung Galaxy S22, S22+, and S22 Ultra 5g User Guide
by Mitchell Devera
The Essential Palm User's Guide
by Christian Immler and Norbert Salomon
Autonomic Computing (Undergraduate Topics in Computer Science)
by Philippe Lalanda, Julie a McCann, and Ada Diaconescu
This textbook provides a practical perspective on autonomic computing. Through the combined use of examples and hands-on projects, the book enables the reader to rapidly gain an understanding of the theories, models, design principles and challenges of this subject while building upon their current knowledge. Features: provides a structured and comprehensive introduction to autonomic computing with a software engineering perspective; supported by a downloadable learning environment and source co...
Who knew a phone could do all this? Get to know your new iPhone with this fantastic full-color guide Although iPhones now dominate the landscape, it's not a given that you'll instantly know how to use one. And that's where this handy book comes in. Written in the friendly For Dummies style and sporting senior-friendly larger type and full-color illustrations, this book clearly shows you how to use your iPhone, even if it's your first-ever smartphone. Make calls, send e-mail, download videos, rea...
Mastering Palm Organizers (Mastering)
by Gayle Ehrenmann and Michael Zulich
With 3 million users -- an estimated 70% of the palmtop market -- the PalmPilot is the most popular of the handheld computers. Current versions include the PalmPilot, the PalmPilot Professional, the Palm III, and the Palm V. The Palm VII, expected in the summer, is touted as "The First Handheld Solution for Out-of-the-box Wireless Internet Access, " and will provide cool new features such as instant wireless Internet communication, Web clipping and an iMessenger application.
Covers All Android (TM) Smartphones and Tablets Running Android 4.4 (KitKat (R)) or 4.3 (Jelly Bean) Unlock the Power of Your Android (TM) Smartphone or Tablet Discover hundreds of tips and tricks you can use right away with your Android device to get more done, and have more fun. You'll learn how to use your Android smartphone or tablet as a powerful communication, organization, and productivity tool as well as a feature-packed entertainment device. You will dig deep into the settings and...
Iphone 3g Portable Genius. (Portable Genius)
by Paul McFedries and David Pabian
You don't have to be a genius to use an iPhone 3G. But if you want to get the very most out of yours, put this savvy Portable Genius guide to work and start ramping up the pace. Want to e-mail attachments twice as fast? Talk and browse at the same time? Quickly locate the nearest coffee shop? Sync your iPhone 3G with multiple computers? You'll find cool and useful Genius tips, full-color screenshots, and pages of easy-to-access shortcuts and tools that will save you loads of time and let you enj...
Advancements in technology have created more opportunities for mobile applications in modern society. In the financial realm, these innovations provide better user experience and digital capabilities. NFC Payment Systems and the New Era of Transaction Processing provides a thorough examination on the impact of NFC payment technology on the convenience, flexibility, and usability of transactions. Including a range of pertinent topics such as network threats, operating modes, and data security, th...
As technology advances, mobile devices have become more affordable and useful to countries around the world. As a result, mobile evolution has become an essential part of economic and social advancement. Mobile Technologies and Socio-Economic Development in Emerging Nations provides emerging research on the role of mobile devices as an important aspect of social and economic growth in developing countries. While highlighting topics, such as device authentication, mobile data management, and sens...
Internet-Enabled Handheld Devices, Computing, and Programming: Mobile Commerce and Personal Data Applications
by Wen-Chen Hu
Nursing and Clinical Informatics: Socio-Technical Approaches
Augmented reality (AR) offers a live direct or indirect view of a physical, real-world environment, where the elements and surroundings are augmented by computer-generated sensory input such as graphics and GPS data. It makes a game more real. Your social media app puts you where want to be or go. Pro Android Augmented Reality walks you through the foundations of building an augmented reality application. From using various software and Android hardware sensors, such as an accelerometer or a...
The Smart phone Photography Guide is a dedicated guide to taking, creating, manipulating and sharing photographs taken specifically on a smart phone or tablet, including video. Both instructive and inspirational, the book has sections devoted to the Top 10 rules for taking photographs on a camera phone, particular genres, including shooting children and pets, concerts and festivals, action and sport, and is enhanced with Pro Tips to help you elevate ordinary photos into something more profession...
This book is concerned with the importance of Human Computer Interaction (HCI), Usability, user participants, and Sustainability in the Information Communication Technology (ICT) industry throughout the world. ICT has become a crucial instrument for communication, entertainment, commerce and research and this increased usage is presenting new environmental and sustainability issues as we try and meet the ever growing needs of both businesses and individuals. Sustainability must become central...