The Unified Modeling Language, better known as UML, has become the de facto standard modeling language for analyzing and designing software applications and systems. Software analysis and design is just as much an art as it is a science. UML Diagramming: A Catalog of Cases shows the art and the science behind successful software analysis and design with more than 35 case studies of applications of a variety of industries, including:TransportationHealthcareSupply chain managementEducationAgricult...
If UML can do it, you can do it too...Todays economy demands top quality software development in record time and with maximum efficiency. UML arms you to meet that challenge, and the UML Bible supplies the most comprehensive UML education you can get. One volume covers everything from understanding and using UML and diagramming notation to the object constraint language (OCL) and profiles, in both 1. 4 and 2. 0 UML specifications. Its the one resource you can rely on to virtually guarantee your...
This book delves into the complex field of dynamic systems engineering, exploring two fundamental pillars: an introduction to the modeling, analysis and control of dynamic systems, as well as fault diagnosis based on a dynamic system model. From this point of view, this work is divided in two parts. The first part is devoted to techniques of modeling, analysis and control of stems. The application examples serve to reinforce the theoretical concepts presented. The second part is dedicated to the...
This book presents a proven method of successfully addressing the significant challenges of developing applications for the business world. Borrowing from their significant experience in corporate development, the authors present a catalog of proven and supremely useful patterns that can be applied to the idiosyncrasies of the business domain. This book also explains how to use Model-Driven Architecture to increase the efficiency of your designs, and how to further the capabilities of the indust...
Operation-Based Model Recommenders (Aachener Informatik-Berichte, Software Engineering, #34)
by Andreas Ganser
This Multi Pack consists of Software Engineering (0321210263) with UML Distilled (0321193687).
This Multi Pack consists of Software Engineering (0321210263) with Using UML OBT (0201648601).
Analyse Und Design Mit Der UML 2.5.1 (de Gruyter Stem)
by Bernd Oestereich and Axel Scheithauer
A practical approach to enhancing quality in software models using UML Version 2.0 "Despite its increasing usage, many companies are not taking the best advantage of UML and, occasionally, individuals have experienced frustration in applying its standards. Perhaps this is because they have not yet read this book!" -From the Foreword by Prof. Brian Henderson-Sellers This book presents a practical checklist approach to enhancing the quality of software models created with the Unified Modeli...
Building Web Applications with UML (Addison-Wesley Object Technology)
by Jim Conallen
The Unified Modeling Language (UML) is the standard modeling language for software systems. Using UML to model web application design allows designers to easily integrate web applications with other systems modeled in UML. Building Web Applications with UML, Second Edition presents an extension to UML suitable for web application design. Based on the author's own experience developing UML web applications, and incorporating helpful reader feedback from the first edition, the book identifies and...
In this book, world-renowned real-time software expert Hassan Gomaa adapts UML to the unique needs of the concurrent, distributed, and real-time applications -- helping developers leverage the powerful flexibility, reliability, and time-to-market benefits associated with UML. Gomaa starts by reviewing the key issues and concepts associated with analysis and design of distributed and real-time applications -- focusing not only on standard object-oriented concepts such as information hiding, class...
Aprende a Modelar Aplicaciones con UML - Tercera Edición
by Julian Esteban Gracia Burgues
This volume contains mainly the revised versions of papers presented at the wo- shop '98, "Beyond the Notation", that took place in Mulhouse, France on June 3-4, 1998. We thank all those that have made this possible, and particularly all the people in Mulhouse that worked hard to make this meeting a success, with such a short delay between the announcement and the realization. We are specially grateful to Nathalie Gaertner, who put in a tremendous amount of effort in the initial preparation of t...
Use Case Driven Object Modeling with UML
by Doug Rosenberg and Kendall Scott
Applied Use Case Driven Object Modeling with UML: An Annotated e-Commerce Example provides a practical, hands-on guide to putting use case methods to work in real-world situations. This companion workbook to Use Case Driven Object Modeling with UML bridges the gap between the theory presented in the authors' first book, and the practical issues involved in the development of an internet/e-commerce application. Uniquely conceived as a workbook, featuring an e-commerce system for an on-line bookst...
Using UML: Software Engineering with Objects and Components (Updated Edition) with Essence Z
by Perdita Stevens, Rob Pooley, and Ed Currie
Systems Analysis and Design
by Alan Dennis, Barbara Haley Wixom, and Roberta M Roth
With the overarching goal of preparing the analysts of tomorrow, Systems Analysis and Design offers students a rigorous hands-on introduction to the field with a project-based approach that mirrors the real-world workflow. Core concepts are presented through running cases and examples, bolstered by in-depth explanations and special features that highlight critical points while emphasizing the process of “doing” alongside “learning.” As students apply their own work to real-world cases, they deve...
Internet Password Organizer (Internet Password Organizer, #14)
by Ellie And Scott
* Offers comprehensive coverage of all major modeling viewpoints* Provides details of collaboration and class diagrams for filling in the design--level models