Corporate and commercial software-development teams all want solutions for one important problem-how to get their high-pressure development schedules under control. In RAPID DEVELOPMENT, author Steve McConnell addresses that concern head-on with overall strategies, specific best practices, and valuable tips that help shrink and control development schedules and keep projects moving. Inside, you'll find: A rapid-development strategy that can be applied to any project and the best practices to ma...
Only The Strongest Women Become Optometrists (Address Book 6x9 Size Jobs, #22)
by Inigo Creations
This book provides a practical guide to open source compliance for managers, executives, and software developers working with open source technologies. Written by Dr. Ibrahim Haddad, an expert on open source compliance, you'll find explanations, case studies, and best practices for open source in the enterprise. Open source compliance means that users of open source software must observe all the copyright notices and satisfy all the license obligations for the open source software used. Users m...
Schedule and run application containers using KubernetesKey FeaturesGet to grips with a wide range of tools to monitor and secure your deploymentsManage your container clusters and networks using KubernetesGet well-versed with the fundamentals of KubernetesBook DescriptionKubernetes has continued to grow and achieve broad adoption across various industries, helping you to orchestrate and automate container deployments on a massive scale. Based on the recent release of Kubernetes 1.12, Getting S...
Early Stage Software Development Effort Estimation - a Softcomputing Approach
by Prof Roheet Bhatnagar
UML Modelling for Business Analysts
by Sandeep Desai and Abhishek Srivastava
Perspectives on the Future of Software Engineering
The dependence on quality software in all areas of life is what makes software engineering a key discipline for today’s society. Thus, over the last few decades it has been increasingly recognized that it is particularly important to demonstrate the value of software engineering methods in real-world environments, a task which is the focus of empirical software engineering. One of the leading protagonists of this discipline worldwide is Prof. Dr. Dr. h.c. Dieter Rombach, who dedicated his entire...
Concise Guide to Software Engineering (Undergraduate Topics in Computer Science)
by Gerard O'Regan
This essential textbook presents a concise introduction to the fundamental principles of software engineering, together with practical guidance on how to apply the theory in a real-world, industrial environment. The wide-ranging coverage encompasses all areas of software design, management, and quality.Topics and features: presents a broad overview of software engineering, including software lifecycles and phases in software development, and project management for software engineering; examines...
Software Project Management in a Changing World
By bringing together various current directions, Software Project Management in a Changing World focuses on how people and organizations can make their processes more change-adaptive. The selected chapters closely correspond to the project management knowledge areas introduced by the Project Management Body of Knowledge, including its extension for managing software projects. The contributions are grouped into four parts, preceded by a general introduction. Part I “Fundamentals” provides in-de...
Grundkonzepte Und Praktischer Einsatz
by Bert Kloppel, Thomas Dapper, and Karsten Dietrich
Enterprise Agility is practical framework for enhancing Agility and equipping your company with the tools to survive. About This Book • Prepare your company to navigate the rapidly-moving business world • Enhance Agility in every component of your organization • Build a framework that meets the unique requirements of your enterprise Who This Book Is For Enterprise Agility is a tool for anyone with the motivation to influence outcomes in an enterprise, who aspires to improve Agility. Readers...
Develop and implement a fully-functional, systematic CRM plan with CiviCRM About This Book • Develop an integrated online system that manages contacts, donations, event registrations, memberships, bulk e-mail, campaigns, case management, and other functions such as activity tracking, grant distribution, and reporting. • Plan a constituency relationship management strategy with ladders of engagement that will improve how your organization realizes its mission. • Use case studies and step-by-ste...
If you want to get started with JIRA Agile and learn how to run your JIRA projects the agile way, then this is the perfect book for you. You will need to be familiar with the basics of JIRA, both from an end user's and an administrator's perspective. Experience with workflows, custom fields, and other administrative functions of JIRA will be useful.
Leadership and the traditional concept of what makes an effective leader is being challenged in the 21st century. Today, many teams are dispersed across time, geography, and cultures and coordinating those team using traditional concepts of leadership and management has been challenging. Strategic Management and Leadership for Systems Development in Virtual Spaces provides insights into the relationship between leadership and information systems development within online environments as well as...
Finite Element Analysis (FEA) has been widely implemented by the automotive industry as a productivity tool for design engineers to reduce both development time and cost. This essential work serves as a guide for FEA as a design tool and addresses the specific needs of design engineers to improve productivity. It provides a clear presentation that will help practitioners to avoid mistakes. Easy to use examples of FEA fundamentals are clearly presented that can be simply applied during the produc...
The Accidental CIO: A Lean and Agile Playbook for IT Leaders
by Scott Millett
Make the jump from a developer or IT admin to an effective, inspiring tech leader As you move up through the tech ranks, the transition to leadership is notoriously challenging. Many chief information officers (CIO) or chief technology officers (CTO) are short-lived in that role, as they discover that being a programmer or tech administrator is vastly different from being an IT leader. The Accidental CIO will show you how to become an effective, strategic leader—whether you already inhabit tha...
Learn to code like a professional with Python – an open source, versatile, and powerful programming language About This Book • Learn the fundamentals of programming with Python – one of the best languages ever created • Develop a strong set of programming skills that you will be able to express in any situation, on every platform, thanks to Python's portability • Create outstanding applications of all kind, from websites to scripting, and from GUIs to data science Who This Book Is For Python...
Sie sind neugierig, wie Scrum zur Verbesserung Ihrer Arbeitsabläufe beitragen kann? Dann ist dieses Buch genau das richtige für Sie. Es erklärt Ihnen, was Scrum ist und wie genau es funktioniert. Lernen Sie die verschiedenen Rollen wie Product Owner und Scrum Master kennen, planen Sie Meetings und Sprints, erstellen Sie Scrum-Boards und organisieren Sie Daily Scrums. Außerdem erfahren Sie, wie Sie Scrum auch mit mehreren Teams erfolgreich einsetzen und erhalten viele nützliche Tipps für Ihr erst...
Professional Workflow in SharePoint 2010
by Paul J. Galvin, Udayakumar Ethirajulu, Chris Beckett, Peter Ward, and Mark Miller
SharePoint MVPs offer practical WF4 guidance for SharePoint 2010 developers With the new Workflow Foundation 4 (WF4) toolkit in SharePoint 2010, companies have new ways to build custom solutions for common or frequent business processes. This unique book is packed with instructions and tips that show you how. You'll use WF4 to create and implement office-practical apps such as expense report approvals, RFPs, sale pipeline management, and more. The book also covers how to design custom activitie...