Exploring Getting Started with Computing Concepts (S2PCL)
by Robert Grauer, Mary Anne Poatsy, and Lynn Hogan
The content associated with the traditional text has moved to Pearson Custom Library (PCL). PCL allows customers to create customized textbooks, giving students a more engaging and affordable eduaction. If you would like to purchase the full text without customization, please use Student Copy ISBN: 0558463428. For more information about customization opportunities, refer to www.pearsoncustomlibrary.com.
Whether you are new to Windows or are upgrading from Windows 3.1, Windows 95 Made Easy makes learning or transitioning to Windows 95 painless by presenting the concepts and features of this powerful operating system clearly and comprehensively. Windows and networking expert and best-selling author Tom Sheldon starts by providing you with an overview of the new user interface, and then teaches you about essential Windows 95 features to get you up and running right away learn to start applications...
Lotus Approach for Windows (The McGraw-Hill microcomputing system)
by Timothy J O'Leary and Linda I O'Leary
This lab manual offers brief, hands-on introductory coverage of the Lotus Approach for Windows database software. The objectives listed at the beginning of each lab module explain the concepts, commands and competancies to be gained in each software application program. The Sports Club case study, used throughout all of the lab modules in the microcomputing annual edition system, places real-world business problems within the context of a health club business environment. Students solve the busi...
Easy Windows XP Home is the perfect book for beginners who want to learn Windows XP and who prefer a visual, four-color approach. This book covers more than 150 of the most important tasks, ranging from simple features such as opening a folder, to more advanced topics such as installing new hardware or restoring a system.
Assuming no prior knowledge of Windows, this volume is designed to allow programmers who have never used Windows before to start creating graphical applications on NT systems using C++. It discusses, step-by-step, both the tools used for program creation as well as the Microsoft foundation class library used to accelerate program development in C++.
Microsoft(r) Exchange Server 2007 Administrator's Pocket Consultant
by William R. Stanek
Exam Ref AZ-103 Microsoft Azure Administrator with Practice Test (Exam Ref)
by Michael Washam, Jonathan Tuliani, and Scott Hoag
About the Book Prepare for Microsoft Exam AZ-103-and help demonstrate your real-world mastery of deploying and managing infrastructure in Microsoft Azure cloud environments. Designed for experienced cloud professionals ready to advance their status, Exam Ref focuses on the critical thinking and decision-making acumen needed for success at the Microsoft Certified Associate level. Focus on the expertise measured by these objectives: Manage Azure subscriptions and resources Imp...
This work on DOS commands and basic skills conveys its material in 15-20 rapid, 10-minute lessons. Topics covered include Timesaver Tips, Plain English definitions and Panic Button troubleshooting tips. The book covers versions 2.0 to 5.0 of DOS.
Providing tips on DOS to save the user time and energy, this book covers memory management, customizing and supplementing the DOS environment and quick file recovery, as well as creating DOS batch files, stretching the DOS-SHELL, macros with DOSKEY and easy QBASIC programming.
Explore Windows 98 in 18 Fun and Easy Lessons! Windows 98 is a great operating system, but it can be daunting. Whether you need to learn Windows 98 for work, school, or home, Dummies 101(R) Windows(R) 98 guides you through all of its features using concrete examples. You'll quickly find out how to open, save, and copy files and how to get the most from all the extra programs that come with Windows 98 -- including the newest version of Internet Explorer. Inside, Get the Information You Need Now:...
Greek Three-Pack (Add-on modules for Logos Bible Study Software for Windows)
The "Byzantine/Majority" textform, Scrivener's 1891 "Textus Receptus" and Stephen's 1550 "Textus Receptus" - three Greek New Testaments for in-depth study. With the Nestle-Aland text in the basic package, these allow comparisons of Eastern and Westren manuscript traditions. Part of the expanding resource, "Logos Bible Study Software for Windows", 3.7Mb of hard disk space is required. This add-on module integrates seamlessly with the basic package and is part of an ever-growing library of study m...